• Languages
  • Location
    La Rochelle, Tours
  • Accreditations
    Accredited by the French Government / RNCP Level 6
  • Qualifications
    Bachelor (3 years of higher education)
    Double qualification (3 years of higher education)
  • Start date

Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy

Become a designer of high-impact, powerful multimedia content!

The Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy at Excelia Digital Communication School… in partnership with the ISCPA, the No. 1 French higher education establishment specialising in media studies

Become a designer of high-impact, powerful multimedia content!

The Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy at Excelia Digital Communication School… in partnership with the ISCPA, the No. 1 French higher education establishment specialising in media studies


  • Overview
  • Study Tracks
  • Programme Content
  • Experiences
  • Work-study
  • Careers
  • Cost of studies
  • Admission
  • Gonzalo Garzo Fernández
    Director of the Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy Gonzalo Garzo Fernández

    The Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy will provide you with a strong visual and media culture. You will learn how to develop communication strategies for a wide range of projects and will acquire editorial, digital, graphic and audiovisual skills, drawing on innovative communication tools based on artificial intelligence, No-code, and Web3. You will work in ‘project mode’ with the support of leading industry professionals: agency directors, communication managers, graphic designers, producers, journalists, UX/UI designers, community managers, and design directors.

    This Bachelor programme will ensure you have the necessary skills to become an industry professional in digital communication and design, having specialised in one of 3 areas:

    • 360º Communication - acquire an in-depth understanding of communication strategy and social media, not only developing skills in multimedia design, but also visual and media culture

    • Visual Design - develop expertise in graphic and digital design, audiovisual creation, and animation, acquiring skills in visual culture and design direction

    • Communication & New Realities - gain a solid grounding in communication strategy and social media, developing skills in innovative communication strategies such as artificial intelligence, Web3, and mixed reality

    This programme covers the entire range of specialist skills required by professionals in digital communication and digital design, enabling you to take on a wide range of roles including Agency Director, Head of Communication, Media Manager, Copywriter or Community Manager.



    Logo ICAN Paris



    Programme available in French only.


    Discover Excelia Digital Communication School



    Why choose the Bachelor in Communications

    A 100% vocationally oriented programme

    • All our industry professional lecturers are still active in their sector: agency directors, designers, social media managers, design directors, influencers, etc.
    • 19 months’ company-based experience which equates to 50% of the programme (internships + work-study in Year 3)
    • Excelia Digital Studio: a creative environment for real company projects
    • Personal support for your business creation projects


    A programme with a strong international dimension

    • Up to 8 months’ international experience over the 3 years
    • Possibility to study in English
    • Humacité: a 2-month humanitarian or civic project which can be carried out abroad
    • Climacité : a 2-month environmental project which can be carried out abroad
    • More than 80 different nationalities on campus 


    A programme focussing on the future challenges of Digital Communication and Digital Design

    • A choice of 3 specialisations: 360° Communication, Visual Design, Communication & New Realities
    • 2 business challenges per year
    • 8 professional micro-credentials including Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Web3, and No-code


    A programme leading to a recognised qualification

    This programme is State-certified, with the opportunity of obtaining a double certification, depending on your chosen specialisation.

    • Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy - specialisation ‘360° Communication’ or Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy - specialisation ‘Communication & New Realities' : State-certified RNCP Level 6 Professional Certification ‘Communication Project Manager’ (equivalent to 3 years of higher education), in partnership with and awarded by ISCPA, ICD association (IGS Group)
    • Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy - specialisation ‘Visual Design’ : State-certified RNCP Level 6 Professional Certification  ‘Digital Designer’ (equivalent to 3 years of higher education), in partnership with and awarded by SAS VIDENUM - ICAN (GES GROUP)


    Our Campuses: La Rochelle and Tours

    The entire programme takes place in La Rochelle or in Tours, with specially-equipped classrooms designed for our students, enabling them to evolve in an environment conducive to creativity.

    Find out more about La Rochelle campus

    Find out more about Tours campus



    • Year 1 (one year of post-High School education) Français

    • Year 2 (two years of post-High School education) Français

    • Year 3 (three years of post-High School education) Français

    Year 1 (one year of post-High School education) Français

    Year 2 (two years of post-High School education) Français

    Year 3 (three years of post-High School education) Français

    Programme structure

    September-December: Lessons + Discovery Tour
    January-February: Climacité© project (2 months)
    March-April: Lessons
    May-July: Internship in France or abroad (minimum 3 months)
    September-November: Lessons + Studio Week or Academic
    January: Humacité© project (2 months)
    February-April: Lessons + Experience Tour
    May-August: Internship in France or abroad (4 months) 

    Work-study Track

    Format: 1 week School-based / 3 weeks company-based



    Year 1

    Classic Track

    • Introduction to Communications Strategy, Analysis of real cases
    • Understanding the Media, Critical Analysis of Current Affairs
    • Visual Culture, Graphic Design, Image Analysis and Storytelling
    • Magazine Design, Online Content Writing, Event Organisation
    • Applied English for Communications, Oral Communication Techniques in French
    • Website Design, 2D Computer Graphics, Community Management
    • Virtual Reality and Digital Communication
    • Professional Challenges: Opening Week, Pro-Tour, End-of-year Workshop

    Year 2

    Classic Track

    • 360° Communications Strategy 
    • Design and Production of a Feature Story, Editorial Development
    • Information Research Methodology
    • Graphic Design, Digital Photography Projects, Short Film Production
    • Communications Law, Managing a Communications Budget
    • Virtual Reality, the Metaverse and Social Media
    • Geopolitics and Critical Thinking
    • UX Design and Search Engine Optimisation
    • Professional Challenges: Learning Expedition, Agency Challenge, Workshop, Studio Week


    Year 3

    Work-study Track*

    - Graphic Design and Audiovisual Design
    - Virtual Reality and the Metaverse.

    • Communications Strategy and Communications Plan
    • Creating an online project: Graphic and audiovisual design projects  using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Premiere
    • Digital Strategies for Virtual Reality and the Metaverse
    • Crisis Communications and Responsible Communications
    • Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Design-Editorial, Media and Social Media Strategies
    • Design Direction, Customer Relations and Negotiation
    • English for Contemporary Issues, TOEIC Training
    • Professional Challenges: Consultancy Project, Agency Challenge, 360° professional communication project



















    * For the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years, lessons for the Year 3 Work-study Track will be taught on our La Rochelle campus

    * As of the 2024-2025 academic year, lessons for the Year 3 Work-study Track will be taught on our off-site study location in Niort

    The different courses and projects are provided for indicative purposes only and are subject to change from one year to the next.


  • Courses

    Year 1


    • History of Art and Visual Culture 
    • Oral Communication, Copywriting and Magazine Design 
    • InDesign and WordPress: creation of graphic and digital media
    • Communication Strategy, Digital Marketing and Community Management
    • Communication Strategy and Event Communication
    • UX/UI Design using Photoshop, Figma and No-code
    • Climate Change and Current Affairs (culture, politics, the media)


    • Internship (3 months) 
    • Climacité© project (2 months) 
    • Discovery Tour Workshop 
    Year 2


    • Storytelling for Communication and User Experience
    • AI, VR, Metaverse and Social Media
    • Communication Law and GDPR
    • Audiovisual Project Design and Creative Photography
    • e-Commerce, Community Management and Digital Services Marketing

    ‘360° Communication’ specialisation

    • Digital Communication Strategy and Media Strategy
    • Creative copywriting and Story Design
    • Psychosociology of Communication, Critical Thinking and Geopolitics

    ‘Visual Design’ specialisation

    • Graphic Design Projects using InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator
    • Interface Design using Figma, WordPress and HTML/CSS Integration
    • UX Design and 2D animation using After Effects
    • Storytelling Analysis and Design for a communication project in line with the user experience, using knowledge of Visual Culture and New Realities (AI, Virtual Reality, Web3), and ensuring compliance with the GDPR and other legal obligations 
    • Creation of Photographic Project and Audiovisual Project + promoting them on social media; e-Commerce Project development using No-code and UX Design tools + using SEO techniques for referencing 



    • Internship (3 months) 
    • Possibility of an English-speaking semester 
    • Possibility of one semester of academic expatriation 
    • Humacité© project (2 months) 
    • Studio Week 
    • Experience Tour 
    • Workshop 
    • English for Digital Communication


    • Graphic Design Tools 
    • No-code and Visual Creation 
    • No-code Principles and Tools 
    • Voltaire Certification 


    Year 3

    The final year of the Bachelor is carried out on a work-study track with a choice of three different specialisations, enabling you to become either a 360° communication strategy professional, a web and graphic designer or an expert in AI, Web3 and XR communication.


    • Communication Strategy, Communication Plan, Media Planning and Visual Culture
    • Design Direction, Social Media Management and Copywriting
    • Collaborative Communication Tools, No-code and Automation
    • Agile Methods, Design Thinking and Critical Thinking
    • Responsible Communication, Professional Project and Oral Communication
    • English for Contemporary Issues


    • Design Semiotics and Visual Culture
    • UX Design, UI Design, SEO, Web Integration, No-code and Automation
    • Motion Design, 2D animation and 3D Design: Mixed & Augmented Reality
    • Audiovisual Project, e-Commerce and Digital Marketing
    • Design Direction and Graphic Design
    • English for Contemporary Issues


    • Communication Strategy, Communication Plan, Visual Culture and Sociology of Communication
    • User Experience, Social Media Management and Virtual & Augmented Reality
    • Agile Methods, Design Thinking and Responsible Communication
    • No-code, Automation, Web3 and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Communication
    • Negotiation & Customer Relations, Professional Project and Oral Communication
    • English for Contemporary Issues


    • 12 months of work-study 
    • Agency Challenge 
    • Consultancy Project 
    • Experiential Report 
    • Professional Project 


    • Design Thinking 
    • No-code and Automation 
    • Digital Communication Tools 
    • UX Design 
    • TOEIC

     The different courses and projects are provided for indicative purposes only and are subject to change from one year to the next.


    Pedagogy centred on vocational experience

    At Excelia Digital Communication School, we take a fresh approach to education! Whether through lessons in Event Communications, Crisis Communications, Visual Culture or Audiovisual Design, the programme goes beyond simple theory. You will very quickly be introduced to the practical side of communications and have the opportunity to experience the real world through Excelia Digital Studio, which ensures close collaboration with companies. By the end of your studies, you will not only have acquired specialist professional skills and a recognised qualification, but you will have a CV boasting a wealth of experience!


    Discover our students’ work

    Our educational approach is based on practical experience and design creation.

    The work produced by our students is showcased in two different ways: in our gallery located in Excelia and on our digital platform exceliadigitalstudio.com


    All you need to know about languages, assessment, lessons and your teachers


    • French Track; possibility of a semester in English in Year 2
    • 70 hours of Applied English over the 3 years
    • Voltaire Project and TOEIC Training


    • Continuous assessment
      Throughout the year, you will work on group or individual projects, which will be marked by your teachers.

    Your teachers:

    The teaching Faculty of the Bachelor in Communications and Digital Strategy is made up of industry professionals, recognised for their strong expertise in these fields. Their focus will be, above all, on real-life business issues.


    Types of lessons:

    You will study the theory in the classroom and benefit from tutorials and professional challenges allowing you to put what you have learned into practice.


  • Your experiences


    • Workshops

    These workshops provide you with the opportunity to put your technical knowledge and skills into practice, and to develop your interpersonal skills whilst tackling a business challenge. The aim is to benefit from practical experience, whilst developing group cohesion and autonomy, essential for any professional career. Among others, Excelia Digital Communication School has already collaborated with Ernest Le Glacier, Le Chantier des Francos, Le Festival du Cinéma de La Rochelle, Bovinext, the MM Festival, 15marches, Games Partners, and La Proue.



    • Opening Pro Tour

    The very first week of the year includes a series of induction experiences, as well as immersion in the fields of Communication, Design and the Media.


    • Communications Agency Challenge

    This educational project involves a communication and design challenge between fictitious communications agencies made up of students, offering an opportunity to tackle a real company-related issue. In previous years, students worked with La Rochelle’s Rugby Club ‘Stade Rochelais’, La Rochelle’s contemporary music venue ‘La Sirène’, and the city’s Tourist Office.


    • Consultancy Project

    This project gives you the opportunity to act as a consultant, working on a specific theme or issue for one of our partner companies. Past projects involved students developing proposals for Ullo World, Baseball TV France and AGON.


    • Discovery Tour 

    The Discovery Tour involves different activities to not only explore the economy of the local area but also its cultural and artistic offer.


    • Studio Week

    On the premises of one of our partners, you will work in ‘communication studio mode’ on a series of projects for local companies. In previous years, students worked in the Centre Intermondes (an impressive 19th century building used as the venue for international artists in residence) and the Maison des Écritures (another international residency venue, dedicated to all forms of contemporary creative work, from screenplays and choreography to literature and digital media), Les Cabanes Urbaines (a third place in La Rochelle), and Le Village by CA (a business incubator and network facility).


    • Experience Pro Tour

    The Experience Pro Tour is an opportunity for you to explore the digital world outside of the classroom, experiencing a new environment and discovering a key player in the digital sector.


    • Humacité© and Climacité© projects (2 months)

    During the programme, you will undertake a social, humanitarian or civic voluntary project in an NGO or an association, either in France or abroad. This is one of the unique features of Excelia, which is committed to educating students to become responsible citizens, fully conscious of the importance of their role in society.


    • Internships: 7 months of experience

    Carrying out company-based internships, in France or abroad, is one of the compulsory parts of the Bachelor programme. By the end of your studies, you will have acquired 7 months of professional experience in addition to the 12-month work-study period in your final year.


    • Student Clubs and Associations

    You have the possibility of getting involved in one of Excelia’s 50 clubs and associations, enabling you to develop your skills and knowledge in a supportive and professionally-oriented environment. In addition, it is a great way to settle into school life and experience something unique.


    Personalised Support and Guidance from a Mentor

    Throughout your studies, you will benefit from personalised support and guidance from a mentor. The school also offers workshops structured around personal development (self-awareness and self-assertion), communication tools (such as CVs and cover letters), understanding the job market, learning about different careers, and developing your professional network.

  • What is "Work-study"?

    Our programmes offered on a work-study track are subject to specific admissions requirements and conditions. To maximise your chances of being accepted on a work-study track, here is some useful information and helpful advice:

    • Personal interview: Candidates are strongly advised to submit a CV and a cover letter. How you perform on the day of the interview and the quality of these documents, even if optional, are all part of the assessment.
    • Grant holders: as part of its commitment to social inclusion, when it comes to work-study, Excelia gives preferential consideration to applicants with grants.


    For a period of one year, the Work-study Track offers you the possibility of alternating School-based periods, during which you will learn the theory, with company-based periods where you will work on projects relating to your studies. Vocationally-oriented, this Work-study Track is available in Year 3. Students benefit from assistance in their search for a contract with a company. This valuable support will help you to not only take stock of your personal qualities (your experiences, whether professional, association-based, sporting, charitable or international), but also your academic ability. It is also an opportunity to think about developing a portfolio and a LinkedIn profile that companies may wish to consult.


    Work-study in detail

    • Contract type: Stage alterné (work-study internship agreement), contrat de professionnalisation (professional training contract), or contrat d'apprentissage (apprenticeship contract); 
    • Format: 1 week School-based followed by 3 weeks company-based
    • Main objective: To combine theoretical knowledge with professional experience
    • Securing a contract with a company: The School provides you with the necessary search tools to assist you in your professional project. Once you have successfully completed the Admissions tests, you will have access to the numerous work-study offers available to our students.

    For more information about work-study

  • Careers

    Although all companies have specific needs based on their own strategy, target or identity, they do not necessarily use the same methods. This is why there is such a wide variety of professions in the field of communications.

    Below is a non-exhaustive list of the types of professions in which you could work.


    Types of jobs:

    Web Design and Graphic Communications Specialisation:

    • Web Designer
    • UX Designer
    • Integrator
    • Front-end Designer
    • Community Manager
    • Traffic Manager
    • Web Referencing (SEO) Manager
    • Digital Project Manager
    • Digital Coordinator
    • Social Media Manager
    • Digital Storyteller
    • Web/Print Graphic Designer
    • Influencer

    Media and Communications Specialisation:

    • Communications Manager
    • Events Manager
    • Public Relations Coordinator
    • Press Officer
    • Media Relations Officer
    • Partnerships Coordinator
    • Copywriter
    • Media Planner
    • Head of Advertising
    • Communications Project Manager
    • In-house Journalist
    • Web Editorial Manager
    • Content Manager
    • Web Marketer
    • e-Marketing Project Manager



    Further studies

    As the qualification awarded is recognised by the State and is RNCP-certified, students who wish to do so can continue their studies with a Master programme and thereby validate 5 years of post-High School education.

  • Tuition Fees 2024-2025


    Students from within the European Union*

    • Year 1: €8,100
    • Year 2: €8,100
    • Year 3: €8,800

    *27 European Union members: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France and French Overseas Territories, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.


    Students from outside the European Union

    • Year 1: €8,800
    • Year 2: €8,800
    • Year 3: €9,500

    Work-Study Track

    • Year 3: In the case of a contrat de professionnalisation and a contrat d'apprentissage, tuition fees are paid by the host company  from the date of signature of the contract.

    The above fees are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change from one year to the next.


    Multiservice charge

    Fee: €250

    This one-off Multiservice fee gives access to the following services: Multimedia and Internet network, Cyberlibris (online library), Student Identity Card, Reprographics credit, Intranet, e-learning modules, Wi-Fi, Career Centre activities and services, International Insurance-Assistance (for any periods spent abroad during the period covered by this contract), University library, University Medical Service etc.


    Financing your studies

    Calculate the cost of studying in France

    Click here

    For more information about the cost of studying


  • Open to students with a High School qualification (or international equivalent). Personal motivation interview is carried out by internet via our dedicated platform (day and time of your choice).
    Application fee: €50



    Open to students with a minimum of 1 year post-High School education or international equivalent (60 ECTS). Personal motivation interview is carried out by internet via our dedicated platform (day and time of your choice).

    Application fee: €50


    Open to students with a minimum of 2 years post-High School education or international equivalent (120 ECTS). Personal motivation interview is carried out by internet via our dedicated platform (day and time of your choice)

    Application fee: €50


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