Olivia Chudik - Sales Administration Manager, Helvetik
From Taiwan to BBA International
I studied in Taiwan for one year before embarking on the BBA and this year of expatriation was decisive in my subsequent choice of programme. Business and a global outlook… the BBA programme offers a very rich palette of international experiences, not only on an academic and a professional level but also on a human level! Each experience allowed me to discover a new culture, a new language, new customs. I have built relationships with people of all ages with varied backgrounds and personalities, and I learned so much from them all.
Aside from the ‘professional’ aspect, each immersion was a rich human experience. I now have friends in each corner of the world, whom I can count on for future projects on either a professional or personal level. In addition, each country offers the opportunity of discovering different working methods and different business sectors, which helps you determine what you actually like, and which path you want to follow for the remainder of your studies or your future career.
From an English track to a double degree
I really enjoyed my academic year in Helsinki which was part of a double degree. The Finnish education system is all encompassing and requires a lot of personal investment and autonomy. I undertook a lot of joint projects with a friend, and we are already thinking about setting up a company together in the future… in 5 or 10 years’ time, depending on our respective projects.
Opting for the English Track from Year 1 of the BBA programme was a major advantage, enabling me to succeed in this double degree, and I whole-heartedly encourage future students to join the English Track.
From Spain to Finland to Switzerland
For my first internship I headed abroad to Spain where I worked in the tourism industry. After that, I spent an academic year in Finland… what a difference! I then completed my end-of-studies internship in Switzerland, in a company with a mix of people of different cultures, languages and customs. The fact that I had already had international experience, was trilingual and was not afraid of the unknown, all worked in my favour during the recruitment process.
I started out as an intern, was quickly promoted and today I’m Sales Manager.