Elise GOISEAU Research Active Faculty - Associate Professor
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    • Department
      Human Resources Management Department
    • Languages
      French, English
    • Teaching specialisations
      Organisational Behaviour, Human Resources Management, Intercultural Management, Organisational Theories
    • Areas of research
      International & Intercultural Management, Organisation and Management Theory
    • Campus


    Elise Goiseau is Associate Professor of Management at Excelia Business School. She completed her cotutelle Ph.D. at Dauphine-PSL (Paris) and Macquarie (Sydney) Universities, where her research focused on expatriates’ work adjustment.

    Her current research interests include refugees’ professional integration and research ethics. Her work has been published in journals such as Journal of International Management, La Revue Française de Gestion, Management International, and La Revue des Sciences de Gestion ; she has contributed to two books and carried out a study for the FNEGE.

  • 2020

    PhD in Management Sciences, Paris-Dauphine University


    PhD in Management, Macquarie University, Australia


    Master's Degree in General Policy and Strategy of Organizations, Paris-Dauphine University

  • 2024

    Research Active Faculty - Associate Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France


    Research Active Faculty - Assistant Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France


    Adjunct Faculty, Oxford Brookes University, , United Kingdom


    Adjunct Faculty, Ecole Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, Palaiseau, , France


    Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant, Paris-Dauphine University,


    Adjunct Faculty, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia


    Junior lecturer, Paris-Dauphine University,


    Business analyst Europe (training), Hermès, Pantin, France


    Management controller assistant, Naïve, Paris, France

  • Journal articles

    GOISEAU, E., BEN KHALED, W. (2024). Les entreprises de services professionnels, des organisations globales ? Étude des pratiques de travail négociées à travers le cas de l’expatriation au sein des Big Four. Management International, 28 (Spécial), 39-49. doi:https://doi.org/10.59876/a-g757-3ypt.
    BAZIN, Y., GOISEAU, E. (2023). Vers un modèle alternatif des comités d’éthique de la recherche.. Quel équilibre entre procédures et réflexivité ? Revue Française de Gestion, 49 (308), 73-100. doi:https://doi.org/10.3166/rfg308.73-100.
    CHEVRIER, S., GOISEAU, E., LUGOSI, P., RASE, J.-F. (2023). Managing mentoring for the labor market integration of humanitarian migrants. Journal of International Management. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intman.2023.101062.
    GOISEAU, E., BAZIN, Y. (2022). La New Brunswick Declaration, ou comment nos collègues étrangers redonnent du sens à l’éthique de la recherche. (et pourquoi nous devrions nous y intéresser). La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 315-316 (3), 13-16.
    BAZIN, Y., BAZIN, B., BRABET, J., GOISEAU, E., STRUEBEL, X. (2019). Comité d'ethique et recherche de terrain : vers une entrave bureaucratique ? Le Libellio d’AEGIS, 15, pp. 45-53.


    GOISEAU, E., TAKSA, L. (2024). Cultural Sensemaking. In Klarsfeld, A., Bender, A.-F., Nkomo, S., Taksa, L. (Eds.), Handbook of Diversity Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
    GOISEAU, E., CHEVRIER, S. (2024). Cultural Diversity. In Alain Klarsfeld, Stella Nkomo, Lucy Taksa, Anne-Françoise Bender, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
    BLANCHET GARNEAU, A., GOISEAU, E., FOURNIER, C. (2024). Cultural Safety. In Alain Klarsfeld, Stella Nkomo, Lucy Taksa, Anne-Françoise Bender, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (pp. 48-51). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
    GOISEAU, E. (2023). Naviguer entre le système universitaire français et un système étranger : La cotutelle internationale. In Gaillard, H., Cloarec, J., Senn, J. & Grandazzi, A. (Eds.), L’expérience de la thèse en management. Editions EMS.
    GOISEAU, E. (2023). Naviguer entre le système universitaire français et un système étranger : La cotutelle internationale. In Gaillard, H., Cloarec, J., Senn, J. & Grandazzi, A. (Eds.), L’expérience de la thèse en management. Editions EMS.
  • Proceedings from scholarly meetings

    GOISEAU, E., TAKSA, L. (2020). Investigating Expatriate Adjustment with Cultural Sensemaking: The Case of Expatriates in Australia. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management.
    GOISEAU, E., TAKSA, L., CHANLAT, J. (2018). Making sense of expatriate adjustment. Context matters.. AGRH.

    Papers presented at academic or professional meetings

    GOISEAU, E., BEN KHALED, W. (2022). Être un bon auditeur dans une entreprise transnationale : l’influence du pays d’origine. Atlas-AFMI.
    GOISEAU, E., BEN KHALED, W. (2022). Expatriates’ perception of professional performance in highly competitive environment: the case of Big Four audit firm. EGOS.
    FOURNIER, C., GOISEAU, E. (2021). La sécurité culturelle et ses effets sur la pratique infirmière au sein des communautés autochtones. Le cas des infirmières dans le Grand Nord canadien. AGRH.
    GOISEAU, E., BEN KHALED, W. (2021). Big Four expatriates’ perception of professional performance.. 1ère Conférence francophone sur la recherche en comptabilité critique & interprétative.
    GOISEAU, E., BEN KHALED, W. (2020). I was almost surprised at how intelligent...”: expatriates’ perception of performance in highly competitive environment. EGOS.
    GOISEAU, E., TAKSA, .. (2020). Investigating expatriate adjustment through cultural sensemaking: The case of American and French financial auditor expatriates in Australia.. EURAM.
    FOURNIER, C., GOISEAU, E. (2019). The hidden costs of cultural safety for healthcare practitioners. The case of the nurses in Great North Canada.. EGOS.
    GOISEAU, E. (2019). Ajustement des expatriés. Une approche par le sensemaking interculturel. Le cas des auditeurs américains en Australie. AGRH.
    GOISEAU, E., TAKSA, .., CHANLAT, J. (2018). Making sense of expatriate adjustment. Context matters. AGRH.
    GOISEAU, E., TAKSA, .., CHANLAT, J. (2018). Making sense of expatriate adjustment. Context matters. AIMS association Internationale de Management Stratégique - 27ème conférence annuelle.

    Press articles

    BAZIN, Y., GOISEAU, E. (2023). What if ethics regulation actually fostered ethics?.

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