Tourism Department -
French, English, Japanese -
Teaching specialisations
Corporate strategy (Tourism & Hospitality), Business Model Design, Intercultural Management -
Areas of research
Governance and performance of Tourism Destinations, Destination-based Revenue Management, CSR in the Hospitality Industry -
La Rochelle
Dr Luc Béal obtained a Doctorate in Management Science summa cum laude, in 1997 from Télécom ParisTech., specialising in Information Systems Management. He first worked as a consultant for the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism before joining the world of Higher Education in 2002, where he was Assistant Professor at the Musashi Institute of Technology in Yokohama, Japan. Returning to France in 2008, he headed up the Master programmes at IDRAC Lyon Business School, co-founded an e-learning company specialising in customer relations in the medical sector, and was a research advisor at RMD Technologies, a company specialising in hotel and tourism management (Hotel Revenue Management and Destination Revenue Management).
Dr Béal joined Excelia Business School in 2013 as an Assistant Professor and Head of the MSc in Tourism and Hospitality Management programme. Since July 2018, he has been Director of the Excelia's Tourism Management Institute (TMI). In this capacity, he develops and implements research Chairs, in partnership with private and public tourism stakeholders, on themes such as the economic impact of events on a tourist destination, responsible practices in the hotel sector, etc. He also leads and coordinates the search for funding for applied research projects, in collaboration with the Institute's partners and research-active Faculty.
PhD in Information System Management, Telecom Ecole de Management, France
Head of Tourism Department, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Director of the Tourism Management Institute, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Research Active Faculty - Assistant Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Academic Director, IDRAC Lyon, Lyon, France
Business Development Manager (Asia), Prime Time Technologies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Project Manager, Institute for Transport Policy StudiesInstitute for Transport Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan
PhD Candidate ('CIFRE'), BNP Paribas - IT Department, Paris, France
Journal articles
BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z. (2025). When Disaster Strikes a Smart Tourism City: Tourists Narratives of Dubai’s Recent Flooding. Current Issues in Tourism. doi:10.1080/13683500.2025.2450245.BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z. (2024). Flow experience and behavioral intention in recreational flights. The mediating role of satisfaction, recollection and storytelling. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research.BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z., HOUANTI, L. (2024). Cybersecurity threats in tourism and hospitality:. Perspectives from tourists engaging with sharing economy services. Current Issues in Tourism. doi:10.1080/13683500.2024.2353327.GHADERI, Z., BEAL, L. (2024). Cybersecurity and Smart Tourist Destinations Resilience. Tourism Recreation Research.GHADERI, Z., BEAL, L. (2023). The intersection between knowledge management and organizational learning in tourism and hospitality. A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.17820.77446.GHADERI, Z., BEAL, L., ZAMAN, M., HALL, C. M. (2023). How does sharing travel experiences on social media improve social and personal ties. Current Issues in Tourism. doi:10.1080/13683500.2023.2266101.GHADERI, Z., BEAL, L. (2023). Crisis management, resilience and organizational learning in the event management sector. Event Management. doi:https://doi.org/10.3727/152599523X16957834460330.BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z., HALL, M. (2022). Quarantine hotel employees’ protection motivation, pandemic fear, resilience and behavioural intention. Current Issues in Tourism, 25. doi:13683500.2022.2080649.BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z., BUTLER, R. (2022). Exploring home-based accommodation operators' responses to Covid-19: Implications of untact hospitality adoption. Tourism Management Perspectives, 43.BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z. (2022). Responses And Learning From Covid-19: Integrating Chaos And Complexity Theories In The Event And Tourism Sector In Iran. Event Management.BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z. (2022). Crisis-resilience of small-scale tourism businesses in the pandemic era. Tourism Recreation Research. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2022.2119519.BEAL, L., SEYFI, S. (2020). Peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation in the sharing economy: a review. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-16. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1786505.BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z., HALL, C. M. (2020). Islamic beliefs and host-guest relationships in Iran. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 90, pp. p. 102-121.KUHZADY, S., SEYFI, S., BEAL, L. (2020). Peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation in the sharing economy: a review. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-16.BEAL, L., H.SÉRAPHIN, G.MODICA , M.MAPILATO, M.PLATANIA, "Analysing the Mediating Effect of Heritage Between Locals and Visitors: An Exploratory Study Using Mission Patrimoine as a Case Study", Sustainability, 2019BEAL, L., GHADERI, Z. (2019). Local impression of tourist photographing. A perspective from Iran. Tourism Management, Volume 76 (103962). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2019.103962.Chapters
BEAL, L., LAHERRERE, J. (2025). Blue and red ocean strategy in the hospitality industry“. International Encyclopedia of Business Management. Elsevier.LALLEMENT, J., HOUSSOU, N. L. J., COUSTATY, M., BEAL, L. (2023). Comparing Marketing and Computer-Based Methods for Evaluating Online Reviews. Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 261-266). Springer.BEAL, L., SHEEHAN, L., ZAMAN, M. (2021). Destinations, Données, Décisions: Le Besoin Impérieux d’un Tiers De Confiance. Organismes De Gestion De Destination : Stratégies et pratiques pour un management responsable et durable des territoires touristiques (pp. à déterminer). L'Harmattan. -
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
BEAL, L. (2022). Gouvernance de la donnée et impact environnemental de l’industrie touristique.. L’ESS, unique cadre organisationnel susceptible d’adresser ces deux défis majeurs ? 21emes rencontres Réseau Inter-universitaire Economie Sociale et Solidaire (RIUESS). RIUESS (Réseau Interuniversitaire de l'économie sociale et solidaire).BEAL, L., VO THANH, T. (2014). L'entrepreneur comme acteur fondamental de la pérennité d'une destination de type Living heritage : une perspective par le concept de carte expérientielle. Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme, AFMAT 2014. Actes du congrès de l'AFMAT.Papers presented at academic or professional meetings
BEAL, L., LALLEMENT, J., COUSTATY, M., HOUSSOU, N. L. J. (2023). Comparing marketing and computer-based methods for evaluating online reviews. This paper aims at comparing two methods for review evaluation. We have chosen to analyze them through the prism of the theory of confirmation of expectations. To this end, we compare two classical methodologies coming from the marketing and the machine-learning fields. Both methods were run in a separate way, and we confronted the results. ENTER23 e-Tourism Conference.BEAL, L., SCAGLIONE, M., VOILLARD-KASSAM, L. (2021). Intelligence économique et stratégie commerciale en période de crise.. Le cas de l’hôtellerie de plein-air (HPA) en Charente-Maritime lors de la saison d’été 2020. Conférence AFMAT 2021.BEAL, L., CHAPUIS, J. -M. (2019). Hotel Dynamic Pricing at Destination Level Exploratory Analysis of La Baule. 3rd Revenue Management & Pricing in Services Conference, EHL.BEAL, L. (2019). À l'ère du Big Data, quels rôles pour les OGD ? Le cas de Charentes Tourisme.BEAL, L. (2019). "Hotel Supply Chains and Responsible Practices: A Multi-Case Analysis". ICTH 2019: International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality.BEAL, L. (2019). Chaînes d'approvisionnements en hôtellerie et pratiques responsables : une analyse multi-cas. AIMTD 2019 (Association Internationale de Management du Tourisme Durable).Published cases with instructional materials
MONTARGOT, N. P., BEAL, L., WINKLER, F. (2020). Hôtel ALTEORA : Développement durable et RSE au service de la performance globale. CCMP.BEAL, L., WINKLER, F. (2019). C&L Associés : start-up pour l'Hôtellerie de Plein Air. CCMP (G1990). CCMP.BEAL, L. (2014). Pharmacie 2.0. Centrale des cas et médias pédagogiques.Broadcasts
BEAL, L. (2023). Qu’est-ce qu’une plateforme numérique ?, FNEGE Médias - Paris.Press articles
BEAL, L., BOUGRAS, L. (2024). L' Airbnbisation, plus forte que l'Ubérisation.BEAL, L. (2021). Impact du tourisme sur l’environnement : une affaire locale ? Les Echos - Le Cercle, France.BEAL, L. (2021). Observation touristique et souveraineté. Une analyse économique de l’industrie., PARIS, France.BEAL, L. (2021). Réflexion sur la souveraineté numérique des territoires touristiques. Blog "eTourisme" www.etourisme.info., France.BEAL, L., MONTARGOT, N. P. (2020). L’industrie touristique française sous COVID-19 : «?le jour d’après?». Le média du tourisme digital.BEAL, L. - "Comment les plates-formes mettent la main sur le développement touristique des territoires- The Conversation" - 2019BEAL, L., ZAMAN, M. (2019). Comment les plates-formes mettent la main sur le développement touristique des territoires. The Conversation, France.BEAL, L., S.CHAMOT, J.LAHERRÈRE - "La Destination France manque-t-elle de (business) intelligence ?" - 2018, Paris, FranceBEAL, L. (2014). Consommation : le paradoxe du choix. Les Echos - Le Cercle, France.BEAL, L. (2013). Pourquoi les pharmaciens ne doivent pas avoir peur des grandes surfaces ?. Les Echos - Le Cercle.