Excelia… always close at hand

To ensure that our collaboration is always as productive as possible, we’ve simplified things for you with a number of handy links to the most useful information about Excelia.

We suggest that you bookmark this page so that all the information you need for candidates looking to join Excelia is at your fingertips.


outils excelia  The tools available to you



  • A simulator to estimate the costs of studying at Excelia  

Estimate the cost of your studies


  • A careers test to find out which professions best suit a student’s profile

Careers Quiz


  • An overview of all our programmes by school and by campus 

Overview of programmes/courses



campus excelia  All Excelia campuses

Excelia has 4 campuses located in La Rochelle, Tours, Paris, and Orleans, as well as an off-site study location in Niort.
More about our campuses


 Drone tour of our La Rochelle campus   Drone tour of our Paris campus   3D visit of our future campus in Tours (opening 2025)


admission excelia  How to apply to study at Excelia?  

Watch this video to find out all about the admissions procedure


se loger avec Excelia  Finding accommodation  

Excelia helps students find accommodation via a dedicated platform  


We strongly advise you to make your candidates aware of the importance of starting their accommodation search as soon as possible after accepting their place at Excelia.  


chaine youtube excelia  Excelia in video 

Excelia’s YouTube Channel

Check out Excelia’s very own YouTube channel. There are a whole range of videos to share with your candidates to help them plan for their future student life!


picto contactez-nous  Your contacts

Excelia’s representatives in your country or on your continent are your key contacts... they ensure that our working relationship runs as smoothly as possible and are on hand to answer any questions you may have.


International Excelia’s representatives

You appear to be in France... if you prefer, you can browse the French version of our site!

browse french site