Although the ecological, social, and societal transitions are now being addressed to a greater or lesser extent by management schools, Excelia has been working on these issues for more than 20 years.
In 1999, Excelia launched a Master programme in Environment Management, followed, in 2005, by a Master in CSR & Sustainable Development, both of which involved local, national, and international networks of professionals and academic experts.
The team has also organised a number of events within the academic and professional communities, which have led to the creation of new partnerships.
Since 2010, Excelia has been recruiting a growing number of research-active faculty who have proven expertise in sustainable development issues and the implementation of CSR initiatives.
In order to consolidate and structure its projects, in 2012, these research-active faculty members decided to establish an institute, IRSI, based on the team’s core competencies: research, with utility for both the corporate world and the academic world.
Through its research work, its involvement in professional networks, its events, and its training courses, IRSI researchers have acquired significant experience, gained notoriety, and developed a unique approach that has led to the development of a range of partnerships.

- Organisation of the ADERSE conference in La Rochelle (June 2023)
- Organisation of the EBEN (European Business Ethics Network) research conference, in partnership with Audencia and ESCAA (October 2023)
- Organisation of the 4th Edition of the RIODD - CCMP - Excelia case award (October 2023)
- Organisation of a ‘CSR breakfast’ in collaboration with the Pôle Innovation de Saintes and La Poste group - Saintes branch (February 2023)
- Signature of sponsorship agreement with SocialCOBizz (ARES Group)
- IRSI participation in the EBEN network
- Contribution to the AFNOR CSR and Sustainable Development Commission
- Organisation of the 3rd RIODD - CCMP - Excelia case award
- Participation (co-organisation, presentation and contribution) in the round table of the 1st LEKKO meetings on Innovation and Sustainable Tourism (December 2022)
- Signing of a partnership agreement with La Rochelle Conurbation as part of the La Rochelle Territoire Zéro Carbone project
- Publication of Excelia’s 5th Sustainable Development Report
- Participation (coaching and judging) in the Hackathon ‘Saintes, an innovative and attractive eco-city’ (December 2021), continuing into 2022
- Signing of a partnership agreement with La Proue
- Organisation of the 2nd RIODD - CCMP - Excelia case award
- Renewal of the sponsorship agreement with the Hautier Transport Group
- Organisation of the 14th RIODD Conference in La Rochelle and the first RIODD - CCMP - Excelia case award
- e5t Summer University - 7th Edition
(Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Savings, Environment and Regions) - Signing of the CoRoLo/Spread & Cole agreement
- Organisation of the 15th ADERSE concerence as part of the Journées du Management organised by the FNEGE – Paris
- 6th Edition of the e5t Summer University
- Signing of the 3rd sponsorship agreement with Fleury Michon and launch of a new Chair: ‘Performance – Evaluation and Assessment’
- First co-organisation of the ‘Accounting & Control for Sustainability’ track at the EURAM symposium (continued in subsequent years)
- 3rd Edition of the PROLOG ‘Sustainable Project & Logistic Management’ international conference
- 5th Edition of the e5t Summer University
- 1st Edition of the IRSI collective work 10 cas de RSE published by Dunod (republished in 2020: Pratiquer la RSE en 11 cas d'entreprises)
- 4th Edition of the e5t Summer University
- 12th International Meeting on Diversity
- Co-organisation of the World Forum for a New Economy
- 2 Doctoral defences, funded by IRSI Chairs
- 3rd Edition of the e5t Summer University
- 1st PMI (Integrated Maritime Planning) symposium
- Signing of the Hautier Transport Group sponsorship agreement
- Launch of the 1st international agreement with the leading Algerian group Cevital
- Publication of the school’s first PRME report (SIP - Sharing Information on Progress)
- 2nd e5t Summer University
- Renewal of the Fleury Michon agreement for 3 years
- 1st e5t Summer University
(Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Savings, Environment and Regions)
- Launch of IRSI (Institute for Sustainability through Innovation)
- The group joins the PRME (Principles for Responsible Management in Education), part of the UN’s Global Compact initiative
- Organisation of the CGE’s annual Sustainable Development meeting at Excelia (R2D2)
- Launch of two sponsorship agreements with Réseau Ferré Français and Voies Navigables de France on modal shift
- Signature of a sponsorship agreement with the group Inter Mutuelles Assistance
- Signing of two sponsorship agreements: one with Fleury Michon and the creation of the Corporate Social Responsibility and ISO 26000 Chair, and the other with Alstom Transport and the creation of the Transport and Sustainable Development Chair, which initially involved Alstom, and the following year VNF (Voies Navigables de France) and RFF (Réseau Ferré Français)
- The Excelia group joins the Responsible Campus initiative
- Organisation of the 8th ADERSE conference (special double issue in Recherche en Sciences de Gestion)
- Launch of the Schools Sustainable Development approach based on the CGE-CPU reference framework
- 1st ADERSE research day (special issue of Management et Avenir)
- Launch of the ISO 26000 Poitou-Charentes Business Club
- Signing of the school’s Environmental Charter
- 2nd Edition of the Samuel-de-Champlain Franco-Quebec Forum on Water and Health
- Signing of the 1st partnership agreement with Orée
- 1st Edition of the Samuel-de-Champlain Franco-Quebec Forum on Water and Health
- Development of teaching content for the MSc in Environmental Management (Master Year 2) in partnership with the IAE Poitiers University Management School
- Launch of the RER business club (Rencontres Environnementales de La Rochelle)
- Introduction of the first CSR module in a Master in Management programme
- Development of teaching content for the MSc in Environmental Management (Master Year 2)