Within the framework of the 6th edition of the e5t Summer University (Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Economies and Territories), whose theme for this year was ‘energy transition’, we had the opportunity to meet up with Myriam Maestroni, President of the e5t Foundation. This year, the Excelia was once again the meeting place for dynamism and ‘positive energy’, resulting in rich and fruitful discussions.
The Climate... everyone's concern
e5t… a Foundation with meaning
Following a career in many leading companies within the energy sector, Myriam Maestroni decided to leave her position in 2012 to set up the e5t Foundation. Beyond simply looking at the obvious, she believed that, more than ever, we all need to act, taking a much wider view of things. Her goal? To get every stakeholder in our ecosystem involved in a process of collaborative work and knowledge sharing.
"We have specifically chosen to carry out our work on the Excelia’s premises for several reasons. Building on La Rochelle’s longstanding commitment to the environment, we believe that knowledge should always be shared and further developed. Company managers, start-uppers, politicians, even students… everyone has the ability to push the boundaries" states Myriam Maestroni.
And that's what it's all about… getting together and working in perfect harmony. From the very first edition of e5t to the current edition, the number of participants has increased from 100 to 1000, confirming the Foundation’s raison d'être. Aside from the captivating themes discussed, its structure is what attracts more and more participants each year… a structure based on informal exchanges, complete fairness in the allotted time given to each speaker and the friendly approach which drives e5t.
e5t Summer University... a desire to forge ahead
Highlighting progress made and sharing thoughts and ideas stemming from the various round tables… that is what e5t is all about. This year’s event reiterates the constant reminder of the urgent need to take action, not only on a political level but on all levels because politics alone is not enough. As a veritable creator of synergies, e5t is proof that, more than ever, it is imperative to draw attention to what scientists are observing and recording each year.
"Through the Summer University, we want to highlight the scientific, political and economic advances made. Today, we know that we have fifteen years to readdress the situation before the environment suffers disastrous consequences" adds the e5t President.
A place for reflection, a place for explanations and a place that provides the stimulation to take positive action, e5t intends to face any potential hurdles with determination and diplomacy. The inconsistency of information, current ideologies and the desire to maintain the status quo all in the name of profit... we need more willpower to have the courage to switch from a capitalist model to an ecosystem based on the green economy and sharing.
"This transversal economy, even if it is a source of profit, is contradictory to our very nature. It creates certain frictions which we are fighting against through today’s pedagogy" emphasises Myriam Maestroni.
Combining reflection and action, e5t intends to continue its progress in France and abroad by multiplying the number of workshops within organisations such as the Excelia and EIGSI (Engineering School of La Rochelle). Working for the good of all, e5t invites every citizen to join the Foundation and take part in the construction of a new way of living.
About Myriam Maestroni
Graduating in 1989 from Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle Bordeaux, Myriam Maestroni went on to specialise in finance, with a post graduate qualification from the University of Barcelona and an MBA from ESADE. Following this, she started working in the energy sector with a brief spell in the oil companies Dyneff and Agip before joining Primagaz in 1996 as CEO of Primagaz Spain and then, in 2003, becoming Sales and Marketing Director of Primagaz France. In 2005 (at the age of 38), she was appointed CEO of Primagaz France. She initiated the process of Energy Consulting and is today at the head of Economie d’Energie SAS, a company of which she is co-founder and shareholder and which specialises in energy efficiency, and the processing and proliferation of energy certificates. Heavily involved in studying and developing new management techniques and leadership in sustainable development, she regularly speaks at conferences organised by the Grandes Ecoles, including Sup de Co Bordeaux, Euromed, HEC, as well as within the framework of the Grandes Ecoles au Féminin and at various management committees (Auchan, Brink's, SNCF, EDF etc.). In addition, she is an independent administrator of Séchilienne Sidec, a company listed on the French Stock Market Index SBF 120. She is an award winner of the 2012 La Tribune Women's Award, in the category Green Business. Co-author of two books: Intelligence émotionnelle, services et croissance (Emotional Intelligence, Services and Growth), written with Luis M. Huete and published by Maxima, 2009; Mutations énergétiques (Energy Transition), written with Jean-Marie Chevalier and published by Alternatives, 2010. Myriam Maestroni is co-founder of the Cercle des Entreprises Centenaires, in partnership with ANVIE and HEC.