- AID Research Projects
Research Agreement: CERIIM – EDF Pulse & You 2022-2027
In 2022, CERIIM (Excelia Business School’s Centre of Research for Innovation and Intelligence in Management) and EDF Pulse & You (EDF Group’s community platform) signed a 5-year research agreement on the themes of Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding. This partnership consolidates the collaboration between research-active Faculty and those responsible for the community platform in terms of research and publications relating to identifying and formalising community mechanisms.
Research Agreement: CERIIM – 3F IAA Group (Immobilière Atlantic Aménagement) 2021-2026
In 2021, Excelia Business School’s CERIIM and the 3F IAA Group signed a research agreement, recognising the benefits to be gained from a joint venture between a management research centre and a company. The main objective is to promote academic activities and the understanding of managerial practices. The area of research collaboration includes the themes of agility, process digitalisation, innovation, and management.
GESTE (Gestion de l’Eau dans une Société en Transition Ecologique - Water Management for a Society in Ecological Transition)
Water is omnipresent in our daily lives, whether at home or at work, and managing it is therefore a major priority if we are not only to guarantee access to water for as many people as possible, but also to ensure its quality. The goal of the research group ‘GESTE’ (Gestion de l'Eau dans une Société en Transition Ecologique - Water Management for a Society in Ecological Transition) is to bring together researchers in management sciences and companies, with a view to advancing knowledge of water consumption and distribution.
As regards water consumption, the aim is to understand perceptions, uses, and practices in the private domain, in order to encourage sobriety at an individual level. Indeed, water sobriety is an important aspect of the French government’s 2023 Water Plan.
As regards water distribution, the aim is to explore and understand the practices of those involved in water management in order to preserve this precious resource.
In addition, it will involve experimenting with tools and solutions to encourage sobriety in water consumption and to guarantee better water governance within local regions.
Members: Ludivine Destoumieux, Valentina Kirova, Lucie Baudoin
Coordinators: Fabien Rogeon (rogeonf@excelia-group.com) and Emmanuelle Boch (boche@excelia-group.com)
- Research Groups
Humane Organization & Purposeful Entrepreneurship (HOPE)
Head of HOPE Research Group: Dr Amitabh Anand
The HOPE research group, within the AID research area, focusses on management, organisation, entrepreneurship, and behavioural research in human psychology and associated fields.
The research group is network-oriented, working in partnership with universities around the world, and acts as a point of contact for socially committed academics (though not limited to them) with the aim of sharing, researching and creating new knowledge.
HOPE’s mission is to promote…
- Partnerships: Establishing long-term social and economic links by fostering research initiatives and partnerships around the world.
- Opportunities: Offering doctoral supervision opportunities and welcoming researchers from other universities to participate in joint publications and networking.
- Discussions: Organising presentations to foster dialogue on HOPE research topics, involving partners, to share best practice, educational initiatives and activities linked to industry.
- Networks: Organising lectures, symposia, seminars, and workshops aimed at encouraging the dissemination of knowledge.
- Financing: Finding synergies with partners to generate new and unique ideas for international funding opportunities and research grants.
- Impact: Communicating best practices in management, organisation, entrepreneurship, and emerging markets to managers and companies worldwide through its research publications, teaching, and partnerships.
Possible projects and topics for HOPE
- Entrepreneurial deviance (failure of start-ups, human dilemmas, value-destructive behaviour)
- Displacement of populations and entrepreneurship (fragility, conflict and violence, women, minorities, refugees, etc.)
- The future of work (the new standard in the developed economy compared with the emerging economy, the role of institutions, etc.)
- Employee relations (human approach to relationships, unethical managers, health, wellbeing, isolation, ageism, etc.)
- Psychology of human behaviour (norms of behaviour in developed economies compared to emerging economies, etc.)
- International trade misconduct (fraud, swindling, bribery, corruption, etc.)
- Emerging markets (institutional theory, social capital, and the internationalisation of world businesses, etc.)
HOPE working papers/projects/possible contributors
- The future of entrepreneurs in the Blue Economy – challenges and opportunities
- Addressing counter-productive employee behaviour within companies
- Entrepreneurial successes and failures in developed countries compared with emerging markets
- Organisational misconduct in start-ups and poor economies
- The health and wellbeing of employees and entrepreneurs
- Human Resources Management initiatives for positive employee behaviour
- Promises, progress, and pitfalls of sustainable entrepreneurship in emerging markets
Markets, Innovation & Digitalisation
This research group is at the forefront of innovative research themes, such as… the role of the Internet of Things from the consumer’s and company’s perspective; the importance of Big Data in the society of the future; the rise of consumer power and the importance of customer service culture; the increasing accessibility of information and the advent of Artificial Intelligence; the rapid development of the power of social media and its impact on a company’s e-reputation. In addition, as part of a more systemic approach, research is being conducted into the upheavals in managerial practices and the emergence of a new economic model marked by the interdependence of the various stakeholders. Furthermore, studies carried out by this research group address strategic, technical, and technological challenges in terms of knowledge management within the supply chain. In particular, this group is exploring the impact of economic disruption caused by a succession of crises (health, geopolitical, ecological) and the major changes in the way organisations manage their supply chains.
Agility, Governance, & Financial Policy
This theme considers the coherence of the investment and financing policies of organisations (SMEs, intermediary-sized businesses, and large companies) as well as the implementation of an appropriate governance system for the development and long-term viability of companies. Research covers new forms of financing innovation and growth (crowdfunding), the need to develop venture capital and development capital, behavioural finance and risk management, the relationship between banks and SMEs, the need to implement information systems (IS), particularly with regard to the relationship between IS and management control, and the governance and capital structure of SMEs. In addition, this research group addresses strategic alliances, the phenomena of coopetition (a combination of competition and cooperation), business ecosystems, and the resulting transformations in terms of knowledge and skills management.
- Research Events
JIRIA – International Research Day on Artificial Intelligence
Organised every year, JIRIA provides an excellent opportunity not only to disseminate academic works and best practices, but also for networking between academics, PhD students, business professionals and other industry experts to discuss the future of Artificial Intelligence.
Head of the Research Advisory Board: Dr Dominic DrillonJRSCI – Supply Chain and Innovation Research Day
This research day focusses on the theme of Supply Chain in the age of innovation, in the broadest sense of the term, and is intended primarily to explore current practices of Supply Chain professionals in relation to academic considerations (the contribution of innovation to value creation in supply chains, innovative interactions between different elements of the chain, etc.).
Head of the Research Advisory Board: Dr Fatiha NaouiJRI – Innovation Research Day
The aim of the Innovation Research Day is to bring together researchers to explore the economic, societal, and technological challenges of innovation in order to improve understanding and knowledge of innovation from an academic point of view.
Head of the Research Advisory Board: Dr Poonam Oberoi
Research undertaken within the Agility, Innovation, Digitalisation (AID) area is firmly anchored in the current issues of innovation, growth, and the transformation of organisations. Activities are driven by a desire to address the current and future challenges faced by companies and other organisations, and to mobilise research-active Faculty to focus on innovative research projects, groundbreaking themes, and events designed to bring together stakeholders. This research area involves some 30 active contributors.