Boris Bondar - Student

Bachelor First Year

Boris-Student-ExceliaTELL US ABOUT YOURSELF ...

My name is Boris, I’m 18 years old. I am an international student from Uzbekistan, a small country in Central Asia.


Tell us about your studies at Excelia...

At the moment, I am studying on the BFY (Bachelor First Year) programme. Unfortunately, I had to start my studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, there were plenty of obstacles before arriving in France.

Although worried by the situation everywhere, I was lucky enough to get my student visa and to arrive in time for the 2nd semester of the programme, in January.


Why did you choose this programme and this School?

I found out about Excelia through my older sister because she was an exchange student of the BBA programme. It was really intriguing to hear about her experiences, the lectures and the events that she enjoyed at the School. For me, it literally became a dream destination!  So, I started to find out more about Excelia and its programmes. For this, I am grateful to the International Admissions team who told me all about the admissions procedure and the academic structure of the programme. They helped me with the whole administrative process, right up until my arrival at the School.



Once in La Rochelle, I was impressed by the ambiance and the beauty of the city. The well-known fact about the difference between Paris and other provincial towns is totally true… everything is more relaxed and less stressful here compared to the capital. The ocean’s roar, the sea breeze, an old boat sailing on the waves, it couldn’t be better! Personally, I am delighted with my choice of school and the city in which its located.

Similarly, I really like the teaching methods at the School. The majority of my lessons are very practical. We are divided into small groups to carry out a project together, applying the knowledge learned from the Professor. In my opinion, working together and communicating with all team members is totally invaluable. There is a plethora of nationalities in our group and it has been a great opportunity to meet them all, thanks to Excelia



Aside from studying, I often go for a walk to the beach, to enjoy the sunshine. I have also fallen in love with French gastronomy. Despite the COVID restrictions, you can still buy something fresh and tasty on the outdoor market in the old town, and cook it at home... Magnifique!

I would encourage every student to come and live the experience I am enjoying right now!


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