Students Testimonies

" The time saving for my professional qualification was very important, but Excelia First Year also gave me the opportunity to meet students from different parts of the world and share their different cultures. "
Excelia First Year (post-High School)


Inès, international student Excelia First Year

ines challamel cpbOriginating from the Southern Hemisphere where I passed my Baccalaureate in September, I chose Excelia First Year as it meant that I wouldn’t have to wait 12 months before starting my studies. Therefore, the February after my Baccalaureate, I joined Excelia on this 6-month programme and from there went straight into the second year of a Bachelor programme as planned. The time saving for my professional qualification was very important, but Excelia First Year also gave me the opportunity to meet students from different parts of the world and share their different cultures.

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