Supply Chain, Purchasing & Project Management Department -
Spanish, French, English, Italian -
Teaching specialisations
Data-driven management, Logistics et Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Transport Systems Management, Decision Support -
Areas of research
Sustainable urban logistics, Demand modelling and forecasting, Transport optimization, Sustainable food logistics, Humanitarian logistics and resilience, Group decision processes -
La Rochelle
Jesus Gonzalez Feliu is Full Professor of Supply Chain Management at Excelia Business School. After obtaining his PhD. in computer and systems engineering at Politecnico in Turin (Italy) obtained in 2008, he was contractual researcher then research engineer in the field of data production and analysis CNRS (Laboratory of Transport Economics) from July 2008 to September 2014, after that assistant then associate professor in industrial engineering at Henri Fayol Institute, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne (until the end of March 2020). He also holds a Habilitation to Direct Research in Economic Sciences obtained in 2016 at the University of Paris Est. The main areas of the research of Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu is urban logistics, in which he has become a national and international reference, working mainly in issues related to demand estimation, transport flows modeling, sustainability assessment and analysis of urban logistics platforms. In this context, he is the scientific committee chairman of the urban logistics lab in Melbourne (Australia), led by Deakin University. Since 2015, he has also been working on action research issues by combining both quantitative and qualitative methods to the characterization and decision-making aid of food logistics systems and in the definition of logistics schemes for improvement. development and the resilience of territories. He is the author or co-author of 2 monographs and more than 50 peer-reviewed journal papers, as well as guest co-editor in more than 10 special issues of peer-reviewed journals and 3 collaborative scientific books.
Qualification to direct research, Economic Sciences, Université Paris Est, France
PhD. in Computer and Systems Science, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Master in Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Head of Supply Chain, Purchasing and Project Management Department, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Research Active Faculty - Full Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Associate Professor, Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, , France
Research Engineer, Laboratoire d'Economie des Transports, Lyon, France
Adjunct Faculty, Université Lumière Lyon II, Lyon, France
Journal articles
PINHEIRO, C. D. P., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., BERTONCINI, B. V. (2025). A novel comprehensive spatial accessibility indicator to capture the latent nature of accessibility in logistic warehouses. Research in Transportation Economics, 109, 101517. doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2024.101517.PEÑA-OROZCO, D. L., LONDOÑO-ESCOBAR, M. E., PAREDES RODRÍGUEZ, A. M., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., NAVARRETE MENESES, G. (2024). Prioritizing Public Policy Implementation for Rural Development in a Developing Country via Multicriteria Classification. Economies, 12 (1).GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2024). Equivalences of Freight Trip Generation Functional Forms: Formulations, Approximations and Error Formalization Issues. Theoretical Economics Letters, 14 (02), 617-631. doi:10.4236/tel.2024.142033.ARAGON, A., PEÑA, D., BRITO, N. A., REYES, J. J. R., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., ORTIZ, M. J. B. (2024). Inclusive and sustainable performance in cooperative SME via a PROACT method. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 1 (1). doi:10.1504/IJMCP.2024.10064147.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RAMIREZ-RIOS, D. G., PANI, A., BOURAOUA, S. (2024). A categorization-modelling procedure to estimate urban goods transport demand with a minimum number of activity categories. Transportation Research Procedia, 79, 108-115. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2024.03.016.PEÑA OROZCO, D. L., ARIZA-JIMENEZ, S., REYES-ROJAS, J. J., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2024). An integrated method to identify and improve logistical gaps. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. doi:10.1080/16258312.2024.2401317.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2024). Considerations on the Use of Approximations to Estimate Freight Demand on the Basis of a Single Explanatory Variable with Non-Linear Functional Forms and Generalization to Statistical Modelling. Theoretical Economics Letters, 14, 2158-2178. doi:10.4236/tel.2024.146106.DESGOURDES, C., PEÑA OROZCO, D. L., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., VELEZ-OSORIO, E., CARMONA-MUÑOZ, J. D. (2024). Harvest planning for efficient and integrated food supply chains: A combined project-operations management approach. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. doi:10.1080/16258312.2024.2433940.PINHEIRO, C. D. P., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., BERTONCINI, B. V. (2024). Addressing spatial heterogeneity and MAUP in urban transport geography: A multi-scale analysis of accessibility and warehouse location. Journal of Transport Geography, 123, 104078. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.104078.PEÑA-OROZCO, D. L., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., SALAZAR-AGUIRRE, L. T., ARENAS-RUIZ, M. A. (2023). Sustainability Fruit Supply Chain Design in the Context of Decentralized Smallholders: Modelling Framework and Sensitivity Analysis. LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics, 14 (1), 43-54. doi:10.2478/logi-2023-0005.BALLA, S. N., PANI, A., SAHU, P. K., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2023). Examining shifts in public discourse on electric mobility adoption through Twitter data. Transportation Research D, 121, 103843. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2023.103843.GATICA, G., MORILLO, D., SOLARTE HERRERA, N., NARVÁEZ RINCÓN, M., ROJAS MILLAN, R., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2023). Solving a Practical Examination Timetabling Problem via Abductive Reasoning and Integer Programming. International Journal of Operational Research, 1 (1).REGAL, A., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RODRIGUEZ, M. (2023). A spatio-functional logistics profile clustering analysis method for metropolitan areas. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 179, pp. 103312.PAREDES RODRIGUEZ, A. M., COLONIA-MURILLAS, S. A., PEÑA-OROZCO, D. L., MURILLO AGUDELO, R. A. (2023). Dynamic analysis of employment resilience under a health emergency environment in a developing country. Ingeniería y Competitividad, 25 (3). doi:10.25100/iyc.v25i3.12555.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., LAGORIO, A., PINTO, R. (2023). Removing Roadblocks. Converging quality and urban logistics to improve urban goods transport. Quality Progress, 56 (11), 32-39.DESGOURDES, C., HASNAOUI, J., UMAR, M., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2023). Decoding laissez-faire leadership: an in-depth study on its influence over employee autonomy and well-being at work. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. doi:10.1007/s11365-023-00927-5.PAREDES RODRÍGUEZ, A. M., BRAVO BASTIDAS, J. J., OSORIO GÓMEZ, J. C., PEÑA OROZCO, D. L., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2023). Fuzzy AHP TOPSIS Methodology for Multicriteria ABC Inventory Classification. Journal of Engineering Design, 2023, 1-11. doi:10.1155/2023/7661628.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., BENAVENTE, D., GATICA, G. (2022). Balanced Medical Image Classification with Transfer Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks. Axioms, 11 (3). doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11030115.ROJAS PALACIOS, M. N., PEÑA OROZCO, D. L., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2022). Backup Agreement as a Coordination Mechanism in a Decentralized Fruit Chain in a Developing Country. Games, 13 (3), 36. doi:10.3390/g13030036.PEÑA OROZCO, D. L., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RIVERA, L., MEJÍA RAMIREZ, C. A. (2021). Integration maturity analysis for a small citrus producers' supply chain in a developing country. Business Process Management Journal, 27 (3), 836-867. doi:10.1108/BPMJ-05-2020-0237.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RUIZ-MEZA, J. L., MEZA-PERALTA, K., MONTOYA TORRES, J. (2021). Location of urban logistics spaces (ULS) for two-echelon distribution systems. Axioms, 10 (3). doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms10030214.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RABE, M., CHICAIZA VACA, J., TORDECILLA, R. (2021). Simulation-Optimization Approach for Multi-Period Facility Location Problems with Forecasted and Random Demands in a Last-Mile Logistics Application. Algorithms, 14 (2). doi:10.3390/a14020041.RUEDA VELASCO, F. J., ADARME JAIMES, W., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2021). El sistema de distribución y la eficacia en programas de asistencia nutricional infantil. Caso Bienestarina - Colombia. Ingeniería, 26 (2), 173-196. doi:10.14483/23448393.15582.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., GONDRAN, N., NOUIRA, I., GIRARD, M.-A., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2020). Which is the relationship between the product’s environmental criteria and the product demand? Evidence from the French food sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 244, pp. 1-16.PUENTE-MEJIA, B., PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., SUÁREZ-NÚÑEZ, C., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2020). Freight trip generation modeling and data collection processes in Latin American cities. Modeling framework for Quito and generalization issues. Transportation Research A, 132, 226-241. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2019.10.013.CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. G., GONZÁLEZ-RAMÍREZ, R. G., MEJÍA-ARGUETA, C., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2020). Special issue: Data-driven decision making in supply chains. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 139, 106022. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2019.106022.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MEZA-PERALTA, K., MONTOYA TORRES, J., KHODADAD-SARYAZDI, A. (2020). A unified typology of urban logistics spaces as interfaces for freight transport: A Systematic Literature Review. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 21 (4), 274-289. doi:10.1080/16258312.2020.1801107.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., SUAREZ-NUÑEZ, C. (2020). Links between freight trip generation rates, accessibility and socio-demographic variables in urban zones. Archives of Transport, 53 (1), 7-20. doi:10.5604/01.3001.0014.1738.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CHONG, M., VARGAS-FLOREZ, J., DE BRITO, I., OSORIO-RAMIREZ, C., PIATYSZEK, E., QUILICHE ALTAMIRANO, R. (2020). The Maturity of Humanitarian Logistics against Recurrent Crises. Mathematical Social Sciences, 9 (6), 90. doi:10.3390/socsci9060090.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., SÁNCHEZ-DÍAZ, I. (2019). The influence of aggregation level and category construction on estimation quality for freight trip generation models. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 121, pp. 134-148.COBA, C. M., BOUCHER, X., MEDINI, K., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2019). Simulation-based approach to apply uncertainty evaluation framework, for PSS economic models. Procedia CIRP, 83, 50-56. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.138.COBA, C. M., BOUCHER, X., MEDINI, K., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2019). Simulation-based approach to apply uncertainty evaluation framework, for PSS economic models. Procedia CIRP, 83, 50-56. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.138.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2018). Urban logistics and spatial territorial intelligence indicators: State-of-the-art, typology and implications for Latin American cities. Interfases (011), 136-176. doi:10.26439/interfases2018.n011.2958.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., PRONELLO, C., GRAU, J. M. S. (2018). Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration in Urban Transport: State-of-the-art and Research Opportunities. Transport, 33 (4), pp. 1079-1094.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONDRAN, N., BADEIG, F. (2018). Assessing the economic and environmental impacts of urban food systems for public school canteens: case study of Great Lyon region. European Transport Research Review, 10 (2). doi:10.1186/s12544-018-0306-8.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., OVTRACHT, N., PARENT, A. (2018). Gare et Front: la logique de répartition des troupes dans le plan XVII de Joffre. Revue d’histoire des chemins de fer, 50-51, pp. 23-50. Paris.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., PERIS-PLA, C. (2018). Impacts of retailing land use on both retailing deliveries and shopping trips: Modelling framework and decision support system. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51 (11), 606-611. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.08.385.HOUNWANOU, S., COMI, A., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONDRAN, N. (2018). Inner city versus urban periphery retailing: store relocation and shopping trip behaviours. Indications from Saint-Etienne. Transportation Research: Procedia, 30, pp. 363-372.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., PRONELLO, C., GRAU, J. M. S., SKACKAUSKAS, P. (2018). Collaboration and urban transport: a short review of the special issue. Transport, 33 (4), pp. 861-866.CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. G., MORONES RUELAS, D., LIZARRAGA-LIZARRAGA, G., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GARZA-REYES, J. A. (2017). Decision policy scenarios for just-in-sequence (JIS) deliveries. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 10 (4), 581 603. doi:10.3926/jiem.2090.CATTARUZZA, D., ABSI, N., FEILLET, D., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2017). Vehicle routing problems for city logistics. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 6 (1), 51-79. doi:10.1007/s13676-014-0074-0.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., BATTAIA, G. (2017). La mutualisation des livraisons urbaines : quels impacts sur les coûts et la congestion ?. Logistique & Management, 25 (2), 107-118. doi:10.1080/12507970.2017.1334515.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., PERIS-PLA, C. (2017). Impacts of retailing attractiveness on freight and shopping trip attraction rates. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 24, 49-58. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2017.07.004.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., MORGANTI, E., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2017). Food hub: Una alternativa para alimentar las ciudades de manera sostenible. Revista Transporte y Territorio, 17, pp. 10-33.BROWNE, M., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2017). Editorial: Sustainable efficiency and management issues in urban goods transport: new trends and applications. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 24, 1-3. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2017.11.001.ANDRIANKAJA, D., GONDRAN, N., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2015). Evaluation environnementale d'un centre de distribution urbaine par une approche d'ACV. Logistique & Management, 23 (1), 51-69. doi:10.1080/12507970.2015.11665672.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MUÑUZURI, J., CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. G., AMBROSINI, C., TANIGUCHI, E., CHIABAUT, N. (2015). Restrictions d'accès au centre-ville: à la recherche du « véhicule optimal » urbain. Logistique & Management, 23 (2), 31-44. doi:10.1080/12507970.2015.11673822.MORANA, J., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2015). A sustainable urban logistics dashboard from the perspective of a group of operational managers. Management Research Review, 38 (10), 1068-1085. doi:10.1108/MRR-11-2014-0260.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MALHENE, N., MORGANTI, E., MORANA, J. (2014). The deployment of city and area distribution centers in France and Italy: Comparison of six representative models. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 15 (4), 84-99. doi:10.1080/16258312.2014.11517353.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MALHENE, N. (2014). Logistics Pooling for City Supply. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 15 (4), 2-4. doi:10.1080/16258312.2014.11517362.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MALHENE, N., MORGANTI, E., TRENTINI, A. (2013). Développement des espaces logistiques urbains: CDU et ELP dans l'Europe du Sud-Ouest. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle - RFGI, 32 (4).Books
GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2019). Logistics and Transport Modeling in Urban Goods Movement. IGI Global.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2018). Sustainable Urban Logistics: Planning and Evaluation. Wiley-ISTE.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2017). Logistique urbaine durable. Prévision et évaluation. Londres: ISTE Editions.Chapters
CHICAIZA VACA, J., RABE, M., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2024). The Deployment of Automated Parcel Lockers in Urban Logistics (1 ed.). In Olcay Polat, Görkem Gülhan (Eds.), Theories and Practices for Sustainable Urban Logistics (pp. 65-86). IGI Global.CRAINIC, T. G., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RICCIARDI, N., SEMET, F., VAN WOENSEL, T. (2023). Operations research for planning and managing city logistics systems. Handbook of city logistics and urban freight (pp. 190-223). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.FRITZ, M., FERNANDES, V., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2023). Teaching sustainability management and the creation of the MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Excelia. In Linda Irwin, Isabel Rimanoczy, Morgane Fritz, James Weichert (Eds.), Transforming Business Education for a Sustainable Future: Stories from Pioneers. Routledge.DANLOUP, N., ALLAOUI, H., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONCALVES, G. (2020). Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Green Collaboration in Land-Sea Freight Transport (1 ed.). In Anjali Awasthi, Katarzyna Grzybowska (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Decision Making for Sustainable Supply Chains (pp. 113-139). IGI Global.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2020). Sustainability Evaluation of Green Urban Logistics Systems (1 ed.). In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Megacities and Rapid Urbanization (pp. 155-186). IGI Global.HERRERA, J. E. P., ARGÜELLO, L. V. P., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., JAIMES, W. A. (2020). Decision Support System Design Requirements, Information Management, and Urban Logistics Efficiency (1 ed.). In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Megacities and Rapid Urbanization (pp. 565-581). IGI Global.ZENEZINI, G., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MANGANO, G., PALACIOS-ARGUELLO, L. (2019). A Business Model Assessment and Evaluation Framework for City Logistics Collaborative Strategic Decision Support (1 ed.). In Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Dario Antonelli (Eds.), Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation (pp. 552-561). Springer International Publishing.SANCHEZ-DIAZ, I. D., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2019). Implications of Activity Classification Aggregation in Urban Freight Trip Generation Linear Models (1 ed.). In Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu, Mario Chong, Jorge Vargas Florez, Julio Padilla Solis (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Urban and Humanitarian Logistics (pp. 22-37). IGI Global.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., SÁNCHEZ-DÍAZ, I., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONDRAN, N. (2019). Institutional catering: promoting a logistics system based on flows centralization in a food hub. In Aktas, E., Bourlakis, M. (Eds.), Food Supply Chains in Cities: Modern Tools for Circularity and Sustainability. Palgrave MacMillan.COBA, L., SHIMABUKU, C., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2019). Improvement of the Demand Planning of Imported Seeds in the Company Agro Perú SA (1 ed.). In Jorge Luis García Alcaraz, Leonardo Rivera Cadavid, Rosa Guadalupe González-Ramírez, George Leal Jamil, Mario Gustavo Chong Chong (Eds.), Best Practices in Manufacturing Processes (pp. 261-281). Springer International Publishing.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2018). A Joint Freight Catchment and Cost Benefit Analysis to Assess Rail Urban Logistics Scenarios (1 ed.). In Cecilia Temponi, Nico Vandaele (Eds.), Information Systems, Logistics, and Supply Chain (pp. 14-27). Springer International Publishing.HOLGUIN-VERAS, J., RAMIREZ-RIOS, D. G., ENCARNACION, T., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CASPERSEN, E., RIVERA-GONZALEZ, C., ... DA SILVA LIMA, R. (2018). Metropolitan Economies and the Generation of Freight and Service Activity: An International Perspective. In Browne, M., Behrends, S., Woxenius, J., Giuliano, G., Holguin-Veras, J. (Eds.), Urban Logistics, Management, Policy and Innovation in a Rapidly Changing Environment (pp. 19-51). Londres: Kogan Page Ltd.NIMTRAKOOL, K., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CAPO, C. (2018). Barriers to the Adoption of an Urban Logistics Collaboration Process: A Case Study of the Saint-Etienne Urban Consolidation Centre. In Taniguchi, E., Thompson, R.G. (Eds.), City Logistics 2. Modeling and Planning Initiatives (pp. 313-332). Wiley-ISTE.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2018). Sustainability Evaluation of Green Urban Logistics Systems (1 ed.). In Arun Kumar Paul, Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Sandip Anand (Eds.), Green Initiatives for Business Sustainability and Value Creation (pp. 103-134). IGI Global.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., OSORIO-RAMÍREZ, C., PALACIOS-ARGUELLO, L., TALAMANTES, C. A. (2018). Local Production-Based Dietary Supplement Distribution in Emerging Countries (1 ed.). In Vasily Erokhin (Ed.), Establishing Food Security and Alternatives to International Trade in Emerging Economies (pp. 297-315). IGI Global.ALLAMANO-KESSLER, R., MORANA, J., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2017). Mutualisme entre fournisseurs et distributeurs : modélisation quantitative d’une réussite, l’expérience Routin-Carrefour., Projet & Logistique (pp. 219-244). MA Editions.HERRERA, J. E. P., ARGÜELLO, L. V. P., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., JAIMES, W. A. (2017). Decision Support System Design Requirements, Information Management, and Urban Logistics Efficiency (1 ed.). In George Leal Jamil, António Lucas Soares, Cláudio Roberto Magalhães Pessoa (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Information Management for Effective Logistics and Supply Chains (pp. 223-238). IGI Global. -
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RAMIREZ-RIOS, D. G., AMIREDDY S, S. (2023). Category classification algorithms to enhance the representativeness of freight trip attraction models. Colloque International Projet et Logistique (PROLOG).GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RUEDA VELASCO, F. J., MORANA, J., HASNAOUI, A., ADARME JAIMES, W. (2022). Sustainable supply chain innovation and public policy planning: the opportunities of decision support in urban food hub network development. Actes de 14èmes rencontres de l'AIRL-SCM.PAZ-OROZCO, H., MELÉNDEZ-BERMÚDEZ, O., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MORILLO, D., REY, C., GATICA, G. (2022). The Organization of Fruit Collection Transport in Conditions of Extreme Rurality: A Rural CVRP Case. In Juan Carlos Figueroa-García, Carlos Franco, Yesid Díaz-Gutierrez, Germán Hernández-Pérez (Eds.), Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering (pp. 234-242). Springer.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GATICA, G. (2022). Stating on the Use of Operations Research for Historical Analysis: A Hierarchic-Transport Model Clio-Combinatorics Approach and Its Applications in Current Problem Solving. In Juan Carlos Figueroa-García, Carlos Franco, Yesid Díaz-Gutierrez, Germán Hernández-Pérez (Eds.), Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering (pp. 265-276). Springer.REGAL-LUDOWIEG, A., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RODRÍGUEZ, M. (2022). Delivery Bay Location and Dimensioning for City Logistics Uses: An Interactive Modelling Approach. In Jorge Vargas Florez, Irineu de Brito Junior, Adriana Leiras, Sandro Alberto Paz Collado, Miguel Domingo González Alvarez, Carlos Alberto González-Calderón, Sebastian Villa Betancur, Michelle Rodriguez, Diana Ramirez-Rios (Eds.), Production and Operations Management (pp. 475-481). Springer International Publishing.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MORANA, J., HASNAOUI, A., RUEDA-VELASCO, F. (2021). Digitalization, traceability and Supply Chain Performance in social improvement logistics: the case of Bienestarina distribution. Colloque International Projet et Logistique (PROLOG).GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CHONG, M., DE BRITO JR., I. (2021). Maturity, vulnerability and agility of urban logistics against crises: which learnings from recurrent crises to be applied to unexpected ones?. Colloque International Projet et Logistique (PROLOG).VARGAS, X., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., SARACHE, W., OLMEDO, A., AZAT, C., CAYUMIL, R., GATICA, G. (2021). Geographic Positioning and Flow Management for Electric and Electronic Equipment Waste (e-waste): Case of Chile and Generalizations for South-American Countries. In Teresa Guarda, Filipe Portela, Manuel Filipe Santos (Eds.), Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability (pp. 641-652). Springer International Publishing.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2020). System Behavior of Automated Parcel Lockers as an Urban Logistics Solution: From a Service Companies’ Perspective,. International Conference of the System Dynamics Society.CHICAIZA VACA, J., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., RABE, M. (2020). Concept for a simulation-optimization procedure model for automated parcel lockers as a urban logistics solution. Actes des RIRL 2020, Le Havre, France. Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistiques (RIRL).GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CHONG, M., PIATYSZEK, E. (2019). Vulnerability, maturity and social improvement to increase resilience and sustainability of territories facing natural recurrent crises: case of Chosica, Peru. 14ème Congrès du RIODD, septembre 2019, La Rochelle .GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., PERIS-PLA, C. (2018). Impacts of retailing land use on both retailing deliveries and shopping trips: Modelling framework and decision support system. 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM 2018.Papers presented at academic or professional meetings
GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2022). Sustainable supply chain innovation and public policy planning: the opportunities of decision support in urban food hub network development. I International Conference in Food Supply Chain, ICSFSC, Bogota, Colombia, October 26-28..REGAL-LUDOWIEG, A., RODRIGUEZ-SERRA, M., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2019). Defining urban logistics profile zones in South American metropolis by combining functional and spatial clustering techniques. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis, ICCAD 2019, Grenoble, France.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONDRAN, N. (2019). Logistic requirements considering environmental sensitive demand: evidence from food distribution supply chains. 5th International Conference on Project and Logistic, Prolog 2019, Metz, France.MEZA-PERALTA, K., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MONTOYA TORRES, J., PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L. (2019). Urban logistics spaces: A review and exploratory study. 12th International Conference on City Logistics, Dubrovnik, Croatia.SUÁREZ-NÚÑEZ, C., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2018). Freight trip generation modeling and data collection processes in Latin American cities: Modeling framework for Quito and generalization issues. 8th MIT SCALE Latin America Conference, Cambridge, USA.HOUNWANOU, S., COMI, A., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONDRAN, N. (2018). From city center to urban periphery: retail-store movement and shopping trip behaviours. Indications from Saint- Etienne. EURO Mini Conference on “Advances in Freight Transportation and Logistics”, Padova, Italy.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., SÁNCHEZ-DÍAZ, I., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONDRAN, N. (2018). Towards a logistic organization for organic-local product supply Case of study: School canteen distribution system. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2018, Lyon, France.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., GIRARD, M.-A., GONDRAN, N., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., LAFOREST, V. (2018). Product’s environmental criteria definition on a greenness demand. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2018, Lyon, France.MAGNIOL, S., LOPEZ, C., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CHIABAUT, N., LECLERCQ, L. (2018). The searching time to measure the Freight Loading Zone Accessibility using microscopic traffic simulation. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2018, Lyon, France.LAGORIO, A., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., PINTO, R. (2018). Urban freight demand estimation: a probability distribution based method. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2018, Lyon, France.COBA, L., PEREZ FRANCO, R., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CHONG, M. (2018). Improved planning of the demand of imported corn seeds in Hortus S.C.. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2018, Lyon, France.PALACIOS-ARGÜELLO, L., SÁNCHEZ-DÍAZ, I., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., GONDRAN, N., CARLSSON, J. (2018). A joint demand and supply chain characterization for school canteen urban distribution in Sweden. 3rd VREF Conference on Urban Freight. Designing urban space and managing flows – the importance of freight for liveable cities, 17-19 October, Gothenburg, Sweden.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., VANESSA PALACIOS-ARGUELLO, L., SUAREZ-NUNEZ, C. (2018). The relations between freight trip generation and gravity accessibility: An exploratory analysis. 2018 4th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management (GOL) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.NIMTRAKOOL, K., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., CAPO, C. (2017). Barriers to the adoption of an Urban Logistics collaboration process: A case study of Saint-Etienne Urban Distribution Centre. 10th International Conference on City Logistics - Vision, Technology and Policy, June 14-16, 2017, Phuket, Thailand.GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., OVTRACHT, N., PARENT, A. (2017). Did French Troop Allocation follow an optimization logic in First World War? A Clio-combinatorics analysis. 3rd Prolog conference, La Rochelle, France.