Ilias VLACHOS Research Active Faculty - Full Professor
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    • Department
      Supply Chain, Purchasing & Project Management Department
    • Languages
      English, Greek
    • Teaching specialisations
      Supply Chain Management, Technological Innovations
    • Areas of research
      Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Adoption of Innovation, Lean Thinking, Food Industry
    • Campus


    A native of Greece, Prof. Illias Vlachos obtained a Doctorate in Management Science, specialising in Supply Chain Management, from Cranfield University (UK), and has over 20 years of experience in Higher Education, working at leading universities in the UK, as well as in Europe and China. In particular, he has worked as an Associate Professor at Leeds University Business School, Newcastle Business School (top 100 in UK), the University of Leeds and the University of Liverpool.

    Prof. Vlachos has held a number of senior research positions during his career: Director of Research Programmes in Management at Leeds University Business School, Head of Research and Corporate Relations at Northumbria University, International Conference Administrator and Research Manager of several EU-funded research programmes. He has also supervised several theses in Sustainable Supply Chain Management, and is the author of more than 100 articles and studies published in leading international journals including: Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Production Planning & Control, Journal of Operations Management, Logistics and Transportation Review, Tourism Management.

    Furthermore, he has had many years of experience working with major companies in the agri-food sector and other industries, such as Morrisons, SAP, Unilever, and Procter & Gamble. He regularly trains professionals on subjects such as Supply Chain Management and Strategy, Continuous Improvement (Lean Thinking), The Use of Technology, and ERP in Supply Chain Innovation.

    Prof. Vlachos joined Excelia Business School in 2018, as a Professor, whilst continuing with all his other related activities. He is a member of the European Technology Platform ‘Food for Life’ (which recently won a multi-million euro research project to develop the future of the European agri-food sector), and of the scientific working group ‘Sustainable Food Processing and Packaging’, which works closely with the European Commission and key European partners in the agri-food sector to promote innovation and strategic models.

  • 2000

    PhD in Supply Chain Management, Cranfield University, United Kingdom

  • 2018

    Research Active Faculty - Full Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France


    Associate Professor, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom


    Reader, Northumbria University, , United Kingdom


    Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Athens, Athènes, Greece

  • Journal articles

    VLACHOS, I., GAUTAM REDDY.PULAGAM, G. R. (2025). Machine Learning in Supply Chain Management: Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Production Research. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., TETO WENDY MOKGACHANE, T. W. (2024). Logistics operations: challenges, solutions, and impact in a developing country-Evidence from Botswana. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. doi:10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10061951.
    VLACHOS, I., ALI, S., HAQUE, M. N., SARKER, R., KANDASAMY , J. (2024). Improving changeover techniques in apparel manufacturing through single minute exchange of die. implications for benchmarking. Benchmarking: An International Journal. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., ZERVOPOULOS, P., CHENG , G. (2024). Supply chain performance evaluation using a network data envelopment analysis model with bias-corrected estimates. Annals of Operations Research. doi:10.1007/s10479-024-05881-1.
    VLACHOS, I., ANKIT SHARMA, A., SURESH KUMAR JAKHAR, S. K., KUMAR, S. (2024). Advances in hub location problems: a literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. doi:10.1108/IJPPM-09-2023-0514.
    VLACHOS, I., ZISIMOPOULOS , A., TSOULFAS , G. (2024). Digitisation of franchising supply chain impact on franchisor performance. a longitudinal case study of a coffee retail chain. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
    VLACHOS, I., POLICHRONIDOU, V. (2023). Multi-demand supply chain triads and the role of Third-Party Logistics Providers. International Journal of Logistics Management, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), ahead-of-print. doi:
    KUMAR, D., SINGH, R. K., MISHRA, R., VLACHOS, I. (2023). Big data analytics in supply chains decarbonisation. A systematic literature review and future research directions. International Journal of Production Research. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., PANTOUVAKIS, A., POLEMIS, D. (2023). The impact of maritime service quality on employee satisfaction by seafarers rank: Evidence from a global survey grounded on ERG theory. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. doi:10.1108/IJQRM-12-2022-0354.
    VLACHOS, I., PATEL, B. S., NAGARIYA, R., RAJESH KR SINGH, R. K., SAMBASIVAN, M., YADAV, D. K. (2023). Development of the House of Collaborative Partnership to overcome supply chain disruptions: evidence from the textile industry in India. Production Planning and Control. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., KARAKASNAKI, M., PANTOUVAKIS, A. (2023). Maritime social sustainability: Conceptualization and scale development. Transportation Research D. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., MALINDRETOS, G., RAJESH KR SINGH, R. K., THIESSET, E. (2023). The role of wholesale markets in food supply chain resilience Order a copy of this article. International Journal of Value Chain Management.
    PANNIPHAT ATCHA, P., VLACHOS, I., KUMAR, S. (2023). Inventory sharing in healthcare supply chains: systematic literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Logistics Management. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., SANDEEP KADAVARATH SANTHOSH , S. K. (2023). A Systematic Literature Review Food Supply Chain Resilience: Stakeholder, strategic, and regional analyses and future directions. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. doi:10.1504/IJLSM.2023.10057264.
    VLACHOS, I., RAJESH KR SINGH, R. K. (2023). Triad structure impact on the triad resources-firm performance relationship: Theory and empirical evidence. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
    SINA, S., MARYAM MOOSIVAND, M., VLACHOS, I., MOHAMMAD TALOONI, M. (2023). Designing the Location–Routing Problem for a Cold Supply Chain Considering the COVID-19 Disaster. Sustainability. Basel.
    VLACHOS, I., AL-ZUHERI, A. (2022). International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., PASCAZZI, R. M., NTOTIS, M., SPANAKI, K., DESPOUDI, S., REPOUSSIS, P. (2022). Smart and flexible manufacturing systems using Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and the Internet of Things (IoT). International Journal of Production Research. doi:
    VLACHOS, I. (2021). Implementation of an intelligent supply chain control tower: A socio-technical systems case study. Production Planning and Control. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., MALINDRETOS, G. (2021). Supply chain redesign in the aquaculture supply chain: a longitudinal case study. Production Planning and Control. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., PASCAZZI, R. M., ZOBOLAS, G., REPOUSSIS, P., GIANNAKIS, M. (2021). Lean manufacturing systems in the area of Industry 4.0: A lean automation plan of AGVs/IoT integration. Production Planning and Control. doi:
    VLACHOS, I. (2021). Necessary and sufficient antecedents of customer loyalty to logistics service providers. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36 (5), 729-748. doi:
    MANGINA, E., NARASIMHAN, P. K., SAFFARI, M., VLACHOS, I. (2020). Data analytics for sustainable global supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 255, pp. 120300.
    GIANNAKIS, M., DUBEY, R., VLACHOS, I., JU, Y. (2020). Supplier sustainability performance evaluation using the analytic network process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 247, pp. 119439.
    VLACHOS, I., DYRA, S. C. (2020). Theorizing coordination, collaboration and integration in multi-sourcing triads (B3B triads). Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/SCM-01-2019-0006.
    ZARIDIS, A., VLACHOS, I., BOURLAKIS, M. (2020). SMEs strategy and scale constraints impact on agri-food supply chain collaboration and firm performance. Production Planning and Control. doi:
    VLACHOS, I. (2020). Contract design and supplier performance: an empirical investigation using multi-criteria, decision analysis. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), ONLINE. doi:10.1108/IJPPM-10-2019-0492.
    PANTOUVAKIS, A., VLACHOS, I. (2020). Talent and leadership effects on sustainable performance in the maritime industry. Transportation Research D. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., SIACHOU, E., LANGWALLNER, E. (2019). A perspective on knowledge sharing and lean management: an empirical investigation. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., Z.LIN, "An advanced analytical framework for improving customer satisfaction: A case of air passengers", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, vol. 114, pp. 185-195
    VLACHOS, I., Z.LIN, J.OLLIER, "Prioritizing destination attributes for optimal resource allocation: a study of Chinese tourists visiting Britain", Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2018, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1013-1026
    VLACHOS, I., SIACHOU, E. (2018). An empirical investigation of workplace factors affecting lean performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 67 (2), 278-296. doi:
    VLACHOS, I., E.SIACHOU, "An empirical investigation of workplace factors affecting lean performance", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2016
    VLACHOS, I., "Reverse Logistics Capabilities impact on Firm Performance and the mediating role of business strategy", International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 2016, vol. ONLINE, pp. 424-442
    VLACHOS, I., "Applying Lean thinking in the Food Supply Chains: A Case Study", Production Planning and Control, December 2015, vol. 26, no. 16, pp. 1351-1367
    VLACHOS, I., S.GUTNIK, "Together we E-Export: Horizontal Cooperation Among Austrian Food Companies in Global Supply Chains and the Role of Electronic Business Tool", International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management , 2015, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 17-40
    VLACHOS, I., Z.LIN, "Drivers of airline loyalty: Evidence from the business travelers in China", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics, November 2014, vol. 71, pp. 1-17
    VLACHOS, I., "A hierarchical model of the impact of RFID practices on retail supply chain performance", Expert Systems with Applications, January 2014, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 5-15
    VLACHOS, I., "The Impact of Private Label Foods on Supply Chain Governance", British Food Journal, July 2014, vol. 116, no. 7, pp. 1106-1127
    VLACHOS, I., "Reverse Food Logistics during the Product Life Cycle", International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1-2, pp. 48-83
    VLACHOS, I., D.SKOUMPOPOULOU, D.DEWAELE, "Effects of the supplier selection process on post-contract supplier performance", Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems, January 2014, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-13
    VLACHOS, I., Z.LIN, G.HE, "Britain in bloom? A study into Chinese tourists’ experience", EuroMed Journal of Business, 2014, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 297-310
    VLACHOS, I., "Key performance indicators of the impact of radio frequency identification technologies on supply chain management", International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Application, January 2013, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 127-146
    VLACHOS, I., A.BOGDANOVIC, "Lean Thinking in the European Hotel Industry", Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, June 2013, vol. 36, pp. 354-363
    VLACHOS, I., "The Impacts Of E-Business On Tourism Sector: A Three Countries Comparison", Tourismos : an International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal of Tourism, Printemps 2013
    VLACHOS, I., "The Impact of Transaction cost Economics and Competitive Factors upon the Design of Contracts: A study using DEMATEL", International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management , 2012, vol. 4, no. 3-4, pp. 217-232
    VLACHOS, I., "Farm SMEs Sustainability Assessment Based on Bellagio Principles.the case of Messinian Region, Greece", Regional Science Inquiry, December 2012, vol. 4, no. 3-4, pp. 137-153


    VLACHOS, I., S.KIT LING SIU, "Building Sustainability by leaning the Construction Supply Chains : a case study from Hong Kong" in Markets, Business and Sustainability., Vlachos I, Malendros G. Eds, Bentham, chap. 2, pp. 29-50, 2018
    VLACHOS, I., G.MALINDRETOS, "Critical Review on Sustainability and Supply Chain Challenges" in Markets, Business and Sustainability., Vlachos I, Malendros G. Eds, Bentham, chap. 1, pp. 3-28, 2018
    VLACHOS, I., G.MALINDRETOS, "Business, Markets and sustainability : The way Forward" in Markets, Business and Sustainability., Vlachos I., Malindretos G. Eds, Bentham, chap. 12, pp. 221-228, 2018
    VLACHOS, I., G.MALINDRETOS, I.MANIKAS, M.CHATZIMANOLAKIS, "Future prospects of Sustainable Aquaculture supply chain practices" in Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016., Ed., springer, pp. 487-497, 2016
    VLACHOS, I., D.SKOUMPOPOULOU, S.GUTNIK, "Electronic supply chain management tools in international business: Evidence from Austrian food clusters" in E-commerce platform acceptance: Suppliers, Retailers, and Consumer., LACKA E., KAI CHAN H., YIP N. Eds, Springer, chap. 1, pp. 3-22, 2014
    VLACHOS, I., D.SKOUMPOPOULOU, "Loyalty in Crisis: Evidence from Greece" in Strategic Marketing in Fragile Economic Conditions., SAMANTA I. Ed., IGI Global, chap. 1, pp. 1-21, 2014
    VLACHOS, I., "Consumers’ perceptions of food quality products: Greece’s experience" in Consumer attitudes to food quality products., Klopcic M., Kruipers A., Hocquette J-F. Eds, Wageningen Academic, pp. 247-260, 2013
  • Papers presented at academic or professional meetings

    VLACHOS, I., SIACHOU, E. (2016). Managing upgrade to lean: an empirical investigation of work practices and organizational culture effects. 16th EURAM Conference: Manageable Cooperation.
    VLACHOS, I., S.DIMITRU, "Building the Sustainable Energy Supply Chains: A comparison of ethanol production and distribution in Brazil and US" in EURAM conference, 2016, Paris, France
    VLACHOS, I., Z.WANG, "E-retailers' logistics management in China: A mixed methods empirical stud" in 23nd EurOMA Conference, Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness, Interaction, 2016, Trondheim, Norway
    VLACHOS, I., C.POWER, "Coopetition in Fresh Food Supply Chains: The Integration Of Supply Chains and Logistical Functions amongst Competitor" in 23nd EurOMA Conference, Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness, Interaction, 2016, Trondheim, Norway
    VLACHOS, I., SIACHOU, F. (2016). Upgrading to lean operations: the role of training, knowledge acquisition, and organizational culture. 23nd EurOMA Conference, Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness, Interaction.
    VLACHOS, I., G.MALINDRETOS, I.MANIKAS, M.CHANTZIMANOLAKIS, "Future prospects of Sustainable Aquaculture supply chain practice" in Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, 2016, Chania, Greece
    VLACHOS, I., "Customer Loyalty in International Third-Party Logistics Service Provider" in World Marketing Congres, 2016, Paris
    VLACHOS, I., T.MERKLE, J.KEANE, "Passengers’ food and beverage outlet choices in commercial airports: – An Action Case Research" in Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
    VLACHOS, I., T.MERKLE, J.KEANE, "Passengers’ food and beverage outlet choices in commercial airports: An empiric inquiry" in César Ritz Colleges Switzerland International Research Conference, 2016, Brig, Switzerland
    VLACHOS, I., T.MERKLE, J.KEANE, "Passengers’ food and beverage outlet choices in commercial airports: An Empiric Enquiry" in Academy of marketing doctoral colloquium, 2016, Newcastle
    VLACHOS, I., F.GARBOUNI, "Private Label Branding and The Effects On Food Manufacturing Companie" in International Conference on Business & Economics of the Hellenic Open Universit, 2015, Athènes, Greece
    VLACHOS, I., T.MERKLE, J.KEANE, "Passengers’ food and beverage outlet choices in commercial airports – a review of the literature and a call for new approache" in Council for Hospitality Management Education 2015, The Future is in our Hands, 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom
    VLACHOS, I., E.LANGWALLNER, "Managing Lean Knowledge in Global Companies to achieve Operational Excellence: A Case Study" in 22ndEurOMA Conference, Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness, 2015, Neufchâtel, Switzerland
    VLACHOS, I., I.TSOLAS, "Firm efficiency and supply chain effects: The case of UK food manufacturing industry" in 22ndEurOMA Conference, Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness, 2015, Neufchâtel, Switzerland
    VLACHOS, I., Z.LIN, "Introducing Importance-Performance-Impact Analysis (IPIA): A method to strategically prioritize resources allocation" in 15th EURAM Conference: Uncertainty is a great opportunity, 2015, Varsovie, Poland
    VLACHOS, I., "Applying Lean Thinking to Reduce Uncertainty and Waste in Global Food Supply Chain," in 15th EURAM Conference: Uncertainty is a great opportunity, 2015, Varsovie, Poland
    VLACHOS, I., T.MERKLE, J.KEANE, "Passengers’ food and beverage outlet choices in commercial airports – a review of the literature and a call for new approaches" in Council for Hospitality Management Education, 2015, Manchester
    VLACHOS, I., "Reverse logistics: a literature review and research agenda" in Northumbria University Research Conference, 2014, Northumbia, United Kingdom
    VLACHOS, I., LIN, Z. (2014). Challenges of marketing European destinations to Chinese tourists: an empirical investigation. 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issue.
    VLACHOS, I., D.SKOUMPOPOULOU, "Social Media impact on Marketing Channel management: Evidence from Spain," in 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (2nd ICCMI), Athens, 2014, Athènes, Greece
    VLACHOS, I., "Lean Thinking in the food supply chain: An Action Case Research" in Northumbria University Research Conferenc, 2013, Newcastle, United Kingdom
    VLACHOS, I., "A Designing Effective Contracts within the Buyer-Seller Context: A DEMATEL and ANP study" in 20th EurOMA Conference, 2013, Dublin, Ireland
    VLACHOS, I., "A global survey exploring the impact of RFID on retail supply chain" in 20th EurOMA Conferenc, 2013, Dublin, Ireland
    VLACHOS, I., F.SHESHE, "Designing Disaster Response Logistic" in Hamburg International Conference Of Logistics, Designing the Future Supply Chain - Reliable, Robust, Secure , 2012, Hambourg, Germany

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