Strategy Department -
French, English -
Teaching specialisations
Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Business models, International business -
Areas of research
Innovation and ecosystems, Business models and entrepreneurship -
La Rochelle
Donatienne DELORME is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Excelia Business School and the Director of the Strategy Department. She began her career in industry and consulting, both in France and internationally, before earning her PhD from the University of Nantes in 2019. Her teaching and research focus on strategy and business models, innovation management, and entrepreneurship, particularly from a sustainable perspective.
Donatienne is a member of several academic networks in strategic management and entrepreneurship. She actively contributes to advancing research and teaching in management sciences through the publication of articles and case studies, as well as by presenting and disseminating her work at conferences in France and internationally.
PhD Strategy and innovation, Université de Nantes, France
Master Degree - Three-year course “Programme Grande Ecole”, including 6 months in the UK (Erasmus - Wolverhampton University), SKEMA Business School, France
Head of Strategy Department, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Campus Manager, IDRAC, , France
Adjunct Faculty, IAE de Nantes, Université de Nantes, Nantes, France
Visiting Professor, Zhejiang Business College, Hangzhou, China
Associate Professor, IDRAC, , France
Head of campus programs, IDRAC, , France
Adjunct Faculty, Audencia, Nantes, , France
Adjunct Faculty, IUT de Saint Nazaire, Université de Nantes, , France
Senior Consultant International Development, Natixis Pramex International, , France
Development and Quality Manager, Simtech, , Belgium
Journal articles
LEMOINE, L., DELORME, D. (2024). Quand la proximité territoriale est au cœur de la réussite entrepreneuriale. Le cas du Festival Des Templiers. Entreprendre & innover, 2024/1 (n°58-59), 54-64. doi:10.3917/entin.058.0064.BOLDRINI, J.-C., DELORME, D. (2024). Former les acteurs des transitions soutenables. Les apports des projets tutorés dans l’enseignement supérieur. Management International. doi:https://doi.org/10.59876/a-qv9e-4nh1.DELORME, D. (2023). The role of proximity in the design of Innovation Intermediaries’ Business Models . Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 188, 122246. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122246.LEMOINE, L., DELORME, D. (2023). Ancrage d’un évènement sportif patrimonial dans son territoire : une approche par le business model. Revue Française de Gestion, 49 (309).DELORME, D., SCHIEB-BIENFAIT, N. (2021). Pour une relecture des processus de configuration et d’inscription d’un nouvel intermédiaire de l’innovation dans son écosystème – une approche par les proximités. Management International, 25, 35. doi:10.7202/1088138ar.Chapters
BOLDRINI, J.-C., DELORME, D. (2023). Educating students as future transition intermediaries for circular ecosystems. In Irwin, L., Rimanoczy, I., Fritz, M., & Weichert, J. (Eds.), Transforming Business Education for a Sustainable Future: Stories from Pioneers. (pp. 93-107). Taylor & Francis Publishing.DELORME, D. (2022). De la nature et diversité des business models pour entreprendre. In N. Schieb-Bienfait et S. Emin (Ed.), De l’entrepreneur à l’entrepreneur.ing (pp. 179-196). Editions EMS. -
Papers presented at academic or professional meetings
DELORME, D., LEMOINE, L. (2023). From venture to ecosystem legitimacy: a proximity perspective. XXXIIe conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS).DELORME, D., HETET, B. (2022). Revisiting the Business Model concept: a view from Complexity Theory in the Anthropocene era. Business Model Conference.DELORME, D., BOLDRINI, J.-C. (2022). Former les acteurs des transitions en Anthropocène. Les apports d’une Project-Based View et de la pensée complexe aux projets tuteurés dans l’enseignement supérieur. XXXIe conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS).DELORME, D., LEMOINE, L. (2022). Business Modeling: why proximity matters. EURAM (European Academy of Management).DELORME, D., LEMOINE, L. (2021). Evènements sportifs et territoire : des ressources territoriales à la création / capture de valeur - Le cas du Festival des Templiers. XXXe conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS).DELORME, D. (2021). Enseigner le management dans (et avec) la complexité : les apports de la ludopédagogie par le game-design. Quatrièmes journées de pratique et de recherche du groupe thématique MACCA - AIMS.DELORME, D. (2020). Emergence et configuration d’un intermédiaire de l’innovation : une perspective entrepreneuriale. Conference on the impact of culture on entrepreneurial dynamics: International perspectives.DELORME, D. (2020). Intermediary Organizations supporting Science-Industry Collaborations: Crafting a New Business Model through the Proximity Approach. XXIXe conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS).BOLDRINI, J.-C., DELORME, D., SCHIEB-BIENFAIT, N. (2019). From Industry 4.0 to sustainable innovation ecosystems 4.0: what challenges for the innovation intermediaries?. The 36th conference “IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation - The 4th Industrial Revolution”.DELORME, D. (2019). From Business Modelling to Ecosystem Modelling: A Proximity Approach of innovation support activities. EURAM (European Academy of Management).DELORME, D. (2019). L’approche par le Business Model permet-elle d’appréhender le processus d’inscription d’un nouvel acteur intermédiaire dans un écosystème d’innovation ? Apports et Limites. Conférence AEI (Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation).DELORME, D., SCHIEB-BIENFAIT, N. (2018). University Industry Collaboration: Crafting a New Business Model through the Proximity Approach. ISBE (Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship).DELORME, D. (2018). Emergence d’un dispositif innovant pour la valorisation de la recherche publique : une approche par le business model. XXVIIe conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS).