Strategy Department -
French, English -
Teaching specialisations
Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsability, Stratégie -
Areas of research
Assessment of the social and environmental impact of the company, Transformation of business models to serve the general interest (circular models, social impact models, mission-based companies), Work values and skills -
Cécile Ezvan is associate professor at Excelia Business School, where she teaches strategy, ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). She is also head of the Institute of Responsibility through Innovation (IRSI) dealing with research partnerships with the economic and institutional actors. She holds a PhD in Philosophy from Lyon University and MBA from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
Her research work focuses on organization's social contribution, economic models transformation and business fo good (circular models, impact models, mission-based companies). Her thesis, entitled "Work values and relational capacities, ethical and managerial reflection based on Martha Nussbaum's thought", led her to work on the social contribution of companies, and on sustainable economic models and the ecological transition with ESCP, ESSEC and ICP. Prof. Cécile Ezvan is an associate researcher at the Institut de Recherches Philosophiques of the University of Lyon and a member of the Campus de la Transition.
Before joining the academic world, Cécile was a consultant at Roland Berger and CMI Strategie, then in charge of digital development for the Hachette Livre group. As part of her consulting activities, she has assisted various types of organisations (large groups, SMEs, investment funds, ministries, local authorities) in the definition, implementation and evaluation of their strategy, in France and abroad.
PhD in philosophy, Université Jean-Moulin-Lyon-III, France
Master degree in Philosophy, Université Paris IV, Sorbonne
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris, ESCP-Europe, France
Head of IRSI (Institute of Social Responsibility through Innovation), Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Research Active Faculty - Associate Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Senior Lecturer, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP), , France
Lecturer, ESSEC, Paris, France
VP Digital Development Hachette Livre
Consultant chez Roland Berger puis CMI Strategy
Journal articles
EZVAN, C. (2025). Principles and limits of freedom of expression Simone Weil’s ethical insights,. Philosophy of Management. doi:10.1007/s40926-024-00333-z.ACQUIER, A., CARBONE, V., EZVAN, C. (2024). Scaling Circular Economy Business Models: a Capability Perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility. doi:10.1111.EZVAN, C., RENOUARD, C., L'HUILLIER, H. (2024). Limites et nouvelles frontières de la responsabilité de l’entreprise. L’exemple du projet Pepenadores au Mexique. Management et Sciences Sociales.EZVAN, C., L'HUILLIER, H., ARGOUD, F. (2023). Les écolieux de la coopérative Oasis, un paradigme alternatif pour les organisations responsables ? Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion (23), pp. 39-60.EZVAN, C., L'HUILLIER, H., ARGOUD, F. (2023). Évaluer l’utilité sociale d’une organisation alternative: L’écolieu Le Bois du Barde. Une forêt d’actions en faveur de la transition écologique et sociale.. Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion (23), pp. 101-120.EZVAN, C., RENOUARD, C. (2023). Les écolieux, laboratoires pour une démocratie écologique. Revue Etudes, n°6, pp. 55-66.EZVAN, C., L'HUILLIER, H., RENOUARD, C. (2022). Au-delà de la RSE, accroitre le pouvoir d’agir des parties-prenantes vulnérables Une perspective éthique fondée sur l’approche par les capacités. Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, 17 (2022/2), 63-80.EZVAN, C., RENOUARD, C. (2022). Responsible investment towards sustainable human development: The critical contribution of the capability approach. Management revue, Vol. 33 (2022) (Special Edition).EZVAN, C. (2022). Obsolescence deprogrammée. Projet, 2022/4 (N° 389), pp. pages 28 à 31.EZVAN, C. (2022). La Rochelle Territoire Zero Carbone. L'action collective au service de la protection des milieux de vie. Revue Etudes, 2022/9 (Septembre), pp. pages 47 à 55.EZVAN, C., LANGOHR, P. (2022, December). Conditions for mission-led companies to humanize the economy: An Aristotelian perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 0 (0), pp. 1– 13.EZVAN, C., RENOUARD, C. (2020). L’empreinte sociale d’un investissement. Revue Française de Gestion, 46 (287), 51-65. doi:10.3166/rfg.2020.00431.EZVAN, C., MOREL, C., POULAIN, S. (2020, October). Le territoire et ses ressources, un commun comme un autre ?. L’étude de la gouvernance d’une SCIC de développement local dans les Vosges. Entreprise et société, 2019-2 (n°6), pp. 105 à 127.EZVAN, C. (2019). Protéger les capacités au travail: Réflexion éthique et politique à partir de l’œuvre de Martha Nussbaum. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, 27 (1), 59-80. doi:10.5195/jffp.2019.875.RENOUARD, C., EZVAN, C. (2018). Corporate social responsibility towards human development: A capabilities framework. Business Ethics: A European Review, 27 (2), 144-155. doi:10.1111/beer.12181.EZVAN, C. (2018). Final Ends at the Forefront: Lessons from a Pedagogical Experience at ESSEC Business School. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 15 (Special Issue).Books
DETCHESSAHAR, M., EZVAN, C., FRÉMEAUX, S. (2024). L'entreprise au défi de l'écologie intégrale : Penser et agir pour une économie du bien commun.. Nouvelle Cité, GRACE.Chapters
EZVAN, C., L'HUILLIER, H., RENOUARD, C. (2024). Repenser les frontières de la responsabilité des entreprises au prisme d’une éthique relationnelle. In Ivan Tchotourian et Luc Brès (Ed.), Zones frontières et entreprise socialement responsable - Perspective multiple : droit, administration et philosophie, (pp. p. 929-969). Éditions Yvon Blais.RIMAUD, M.-N., L'HOSTIS, M., EZVAN, C., RAMONJY RABEDAORO, D. (2024). Charentes Tourisme : la gestion de la destination face à la transition socioécologique. In Pierre Baret et Fanny Romestant (Ed.), La RSE en pratique. DUNOD.EZVAN, C., SCHÄFER, P. (2024). La Coopérative Carbone : le rôle de l’éthique dans la réduction des émissions carbone. In Pierre Baret et Fanny Romestant (Ed.), La RSE en pratique. DUNOD.EZVAN, C. (2022). Communs. Universalis.fr. Universalis.EZVAN, C. (2020). Pouvoir d’agir et bien vivre au travail, dialogue avec Martha Nussbaum., Travail du soin, Soin du travail. Editions Vuibert.EZVAN, C. (2020). Économie circulaire. L’anthropocène et les limites planétaires comme cadre de l’économie circulaire. Universalis.fr (pp. p. 170-175). Universalis.EZVAN, C., L'HUILIER, H., RENOUARD, C. (2018). Measuring and enhancing relational capability. Results from 10 years of applied research in CSR projects. In Lindgreen A. (Ed.), Engaging With Stakeholders conference Human Development and Capability approach (pp. 83-100). Routledge.EZVAN, C. (2018). Measuring and enhancing relational capabilities. in defense of a relational view of the firm. In Lindgreen, Adam, François Maon, Joelle Vanhamme, Beatriz Palacios Florencio, Christine Vallaster, and Carolyn Strong (Eds.), Engaging With Stakeholders A Relational Perspective on Responsible Business (pp. 45-62). Routledge. -
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
SCHÄFER, P., EZVAN, C., CARDONI, H. (2024). La société à mission à l'épreuve de la pratique. 1ère journée académique sur les sociétés à mission. Actes.EZVAN, C. (2020). Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable while being economically profitable. The promises and challenges of social entrepreneurship informed by the capacity approach., 27th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference. Actes.Papers presented at academic or professional meetings
EZVAN, C., RENOUARD, C., L'HUILLIER, H. (2021). Penser les frontières de la responsabilité politique de l’entreprise, à l’aune d’une éthique relationnelle. Colloque organisé par la revue Entreprises et Histoire, en partenariat avec l’Institut Interdisciplinaire pour l’Innovation i3 (UMR CNRS) et avec le soutien de la Chaire Théorie de l’Entreprise (UMR i3, MINES ParisTech PSL).EZVAN, C. (2020). Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable while being economically profitable. The promises and challenges of social entrepreneurship informed by the capacity approach. The 27th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference, October 22nd- 24th, 2020 Buffalo, New York.EZVAN, C. (2020). Platform business model and interorganizational partnerships for circular economy: lessons from a start up innovation to fight food waste. EGOS Conference.EZVAN, C. (2019). Connecting capabilities in a local geographical context: the CV Cécile Ezvan 2/4 CCM International environmental dimension of relational capabilities, literature review and preliminary questions. Annual conference Human Development and Capability approach - September 9-11.EZVAN, C. (2019). Measuring and enhancing relational capability. Results from 10 years of applied research in CSR projects. Annual conference Human Development and Capability approach, September 9-11. Engaging with Stakeholders.EZVAN, C., MOREL, C., POULAIN, S. (2018). Gouvernance inclusive et alliances inédites : le cas de Mirecourt dans les Vosges analysé sous le prisme des capacités collectives. 6ème rencontre du GESS : ESS, Communs, Organisations alternatives, IAE Paris, 10-11 décembre 2018.EZVAN, C., LANGOHR, P. (2018). Humanizing the economy: enabling practical wisdom through the mission-led approach. EBEN Annual Conference 2018: Re-inventing Capitalism, Tilburg University.EZVAN, C. (2018). Defining economic value from human development, Les normes de la rationalité économique à travers le prisme des capacités. 4th International Symposium on Economic Philosophy, ENS, Lyon.EZVAN, C. (2017). The capacity approach and social innovation: what convergences? Dialogue with the thought of Martha Nussbaum. CRESO Social Philosophy Symposium / Faculty of Philosophy, Communication.EZVAN, C. (2017). Responsible investors towards sustainable human development, Beyond SRI strategic tools, promote sustainable value creation and distribution. The critical contribution of the capability approach. 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen Business School (CBS).Press articles
EZVAN, C., L'HUILLIER, H., RENOUARD, C., COTTALORDA, P. -J. (2021). Vit-on mieux dans les écolieux qu’ailleurs ?. The Conversation., France.EZVAN, C., RENOUARD, C., L'HUILLIER, H., COTTALORDA, P. -J. (2021). Vit-on mieux dans les éco-lieux qu'ailleurs ?. The Conversation., France.EZVAN, C., ACQUIER, A. (2020). Tech for good or good for tech?. La technologie au service de la soutenabilité.EZVAN, C., VASLET, M.-P. (2018). La philosophie contre l'entreprise. The Conversation.