Languages and Cultures Department -
Russian, French -
Teaching specialisations
Russian Language and Culture, Intercultural Communication, French Culture -
Areas of research
Intercultural Communication, Didactics of Foreign Languages -
La Rochelle
Originally from Russia, and passionate about languages from a very young age, Irina Sussin arrived in France in 1992 after obtaining her first Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences from the University of Saint Petersburg. She began by teaching Russian to High School students, before deciding to embark on a second Doctorate in the Didactics of Languages and Cultures, which she defended in 2006 at the University of Nantes. For a period of three years, she worked at the University of Nantes as a temporary Teacher and Researcher, as well as working for the CNED (French National Distance Learning Centre), participating in writing a method for learning Russian.
Irina Sussin joined Excelia Business School in 2008, as a Lecturer. Today she is an Associate Professor, and teaches Russian and Intercultural Communications. She has been Head of Languages for more than 10 years, and with the support of her teams, she coordinates and implements the learning of the 10 foreign languages taught at the School.
A long-standing member of the Droujba association (meaning ‘friendship’ in Russian), Irina contributes, together with other volunteers, to the development of twinning and cultural exchanges between her home country and France.
PhD in Didactics of Languages and Culture, Université de Nantes
Towards a relational perspective in foreign language teaching: cultures of origin and partner cultures - an approach to be developed, Université de Nantes, France
Reading teaching: individualized problem-based approach, Université pédagogique de
Head of Languages & Cultures Department, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Associate Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Journal articles
FREEMAN, I., I.ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, "International Cultural Competence in International Business Education: the Need to Respond", International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 2010, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 355-370ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, I., "Construire une relation avec une culture partenaire : apprendre à se comprendre", Cahiers de l'Apliut, 2009ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, I., "Echange interculturel, dialogue de cultures, Internet: le cas de russe pour francophones ", Les langues modernes, 2007 -
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, I., "Stages à l'international:démarches de recherche et de construction de sens dans de nouveaux contextes", Actes de la 55-ème journée d'études GEM 'langages, cultures et construction du sens", 2011ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, I., "Construire une relation avec une culture partenaire : apprendre à se comprendre", l'interculturel dans l'enseignement des langues: Actes du 30-ème congrès de l'APLIUT, 2008ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, I. (2008). Comprendre l'Autre et se comprendre, rester soi-même et évoluer - complexité des rencontres interculturelles. Les langues, vecteur du développement personnel de l'ingénieur et du manager, 36-ème congrès de UPLEGESS.ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, I., "Vers une perspective relationnelle dans l'enseignement de la langue/culture étrangère : le cas du russe pour francophones ", Actes du colloque Construction identitaire et altérité: créations curriculaires en didactique des langues , 2007Published cases with instructional materials
ANDREEVA-SUSSIN, I., BELHAJ, M. (2016). Welcome Patrick-Bay: comprendre l'autre dans une rencontre de cultures. CCMP.PATEL, T., I.ANDREEVA-SUSSIN - "Corporate Culture at Bricovitch, the French Connection Case" - 2010, ECCH