Human Resources Management Department -
English, Hindi -
Teaching specialisations
Human resources, Organisational Behaviour, International Trade, Digitalisation -
Areas of research
Entrepreneuriat, Ethics, Consumer Behaviour, Methodological innovation, Organisational studies and behaviour, Bibliometrics , Human relations -
La Rochelle
Dr. Amitabh Anand hails from Karnataka State of India. He is presently the Associate Professor for Excelia Business School in La Rochelle, France. He formerly worked as Assistant Professor in Academy of Digitalization at SKEMA Business School, Université Côte d’Azur, FRANCE, Dr. Amitabh holds Bachelor’s in environmental engineering degree from, India, He got scholarship to do MBA from Stockholm University, Sweden and secured full scholarship to complete Ph.D. from NEOMA Business School, Paris, France.
He has won several awards in research: “Excellence in Peer Review” from South Asian Journal of Human Resources, “Emerging Scholar Award” from organization studies research network at Germany in 2018. For his contribution to teaching and impact on student learning, he is the only one from Europe to chosen as the “Top 50 Worlds Best Professor” among 400 nominations worldwide by Poets and Quants, USA in 2018. For his innovative course design, he has won the Outstanding Pedagogical Innovation Award in 2020 by SKEMA. He is member of the European Academy of Management and founding member of Sharing Knowledge Forward Initiative called SKARP (Sharing Knowledge and Research with Pleasure), which involves a group of professors with a mission to share knowledge unconditionally across globe. He is a visiting professor for universities in India and abroad. Further, He is also part of the Editorial advisory/review board of “International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research” “Management Decision”, “Employee Relations”, “Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies”. He is presently the review editor for International Studies on Management and Organization (ABDC-B) and Guest Editor of Information System Frontiers Journal (ABDC-A)'. His research works are published in FT 50 journal such as the Journal of Business Venturing and other journals such as Computers in Human Behaviour, Journal of Knowledge Management, Personnel Review, Management International etc. His research is interdisciplinary such as leadership, ethics, human behaviour, technology, entrepreneurship and bibliometrics and he is competent in literature reviews, theory building and qualitative methods.
HDR, Aix-Marseille Université, France
PhD in Management Science, NEOMA Business School, France
Executive Master of Business Administration, Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden
Research Active Faculty - Full Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Research Active Faculty - Associate Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Assistant Professor, SKEMA Business School, Lille, France
Journal articles
ANAND, A., SINITSYNA, E., SHANTAKUMAR, V. P., LASAKOVA, A., OYNER KONSTANTINOVNA, O. (2025). The Role of Ethics in Organizational Internal Communication—A Synthesis and Agenda. FIIB Business Review.ANAND, A., WIESZT, A., RONAFOLDI-SZELL, G., VAJDA, E. (2025). From many to one - The impact of the establishment of a family constitution on the strategic planning of the company. Journal of Family Business Management. doi:10.1108/JBFM-12-2024-0299.ANAND, A. (2025). Decoding the dark sides of family business: a synthesis, and future research agenda. Dark Side of Family Business. Review of Managerial Science.ANAND, A. (2025). Visiting and exploring digital transformation management: a bibliometric analysis and review study. digital transformation management. Internet Research. doi:10.1108/INTR-12-2023-1152.DEAR HE, P., ZHOU, H., ZHOU, Q., ANAND, A. (2024). Why do employees hide knowledge after working hours? Linking non-work time ICT demands to deceptive knowledge hiding. Journal of Knowledge Management. doi:10.1108/JKM-05-2023-0393.SINITSYNA, E., ANAND, A., STOCKER, M. (2024). The role of internal communication on employee loyalty – a theoretical synthesis. Journal of Asia Business Studies.ANAND, A., SINGH, S. K., BOWEN, P., RANGARAJAN, D. (2024). Strategic renewal during crises - A pragmatist proposition for multinational enterprises in a globalized world. Strategic renewal during crises. Journal of International Management.ANAND, A. (2024). Wake up and get some sleep: Reviewing workplace napping and charting future directions. Workplace Napping. European Management Journal.ANAND, A. (2024). Conversing in the Shadow of Echoes – A Scale Development and Validation of the Dark Side of Organizational Internal Communication. Dark Side of Communication. European Business Review. doi:10.1108/EBR-01-2024-0027.ANAND, A. (2024). Exploring volunteers’ emotional reactions to a potential transition from a non-profit organisation towards a social enterprise. Transition to Social Enterprise. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy.ANAND, A. (2024). Fair Play in Family Firms: Examining the Perceived Justice of Performance Management Systems. Family Business Fair Play. Journal of Family Business Management.ANAND, A. (2024). Linking Proactive and Reactive Helping Behavior to Knowledge Hiding in the Digital Era: The Moral Licensing Perspective from China. Knowledge Hiding. Asia Pacific Business Review. doi:10.1080/13602381.2024.2367525.ANAND, A. (2024). Responsible Leadership and Deceptive Knowledge Hiding: The Mediating Role of Moral Reflectiveness and the Moderating Role of Leader-follower Value Congruence. Responsible Leadership and Deceptive Knowledge Hiding. Journal of Knowledge Management. doi:10.1108/JKM-02-2023-0160.ANAND, A. (2023). Diving deep into the dark side: A review and examination of research on organizational misconduct in emerging markets. Business Ethics: A European Review. doi:DOI: 10.1111/beer.12514.HAMDI, A., SAIKOUK, T., BAHLI BOUCHAIB, B., ANAND, A. (2023). Saved by trust: When extensive supply chain integration becomes detrimental. Management International, 27 (4), 92-109.ANAND, A., HE, P., WU, M., JIANG, C., XIA, Q. (2023). How and when voluntary citizenship behaviour towards individuals triggers vicious knowledge hiding: the roles of moral licensing and the mastery climate. Journal of Knowledge Management. doi:10.1108/JKM-05-2022-0358.ANAND, A., DOLL, J., CENTOBELLI, P., SINGH, S. K., CERCHIONE, R. (2023). Struck by a cupid’s arrow: The conjuring bliss and sinister shades of employee workplace romance. Journal of Business Research, 154, 113304. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113304.ANAND, A., DALMASSO, A., REZAEE VESSAL, S., PARAMESWAR, N., RAJASEKAR, J. (2023). The effect of job security, insecurity, and burnout on employee organizational commitment. The effect of job security, insecurity, and burnout on employee organizational commitment. Journal of Business Research, 162.ANAND, A. (2023). Abusive Supervision Effects on Employee Knowledge Hiding Behavior in Academia. Journal of the Knowledge Economy.ANAND, A., DALMASSO, A., HUNGUND, S., CENTOBELLI, P., CERCHIONE, R., DUMAZERT, J. P. (2023). Abusive Supervision Effects on Employee Knowledge Hiding Behavior in Academia. Journal of the Knowledge Economy.ANAND, A. (2023). Drowning in silence a scale development and validation of quiet quitting and quiet firing. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.ANAND, A. (2023). Business model transformation: what is known and what is to be further developed? International Journal of Emerging Markets.PAI, A. A., ANAND, A., PAZHOOTHUNDATHIL, N., ASHOK, L. (2023). Leadership perspectives on resilience capabilities for navigating disruption. Leadership perspectives. Journal of Asia Business Studies.ANAND, A., SINGH, S. K., SELIVANOVSKIKH, L., REN, S. (2023). Exploring the born global firms from the Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.ANAND, A. (2023). The role of ethics in business-to-business marketing: An exploratory review and research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management, 115, 421-438. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.10.013.SINITSYNA, E., ANAND, A., DUMAZERT, J. P., KAZAKOV, S. (2023). The Role of Internal Communication on Employee Outcomes: A Review and Direction. FIIB Business Review. doi:10.1177/23197145231209643.ANAND, A. (2023). Age is Just a Number, But With Number Comes Prejudice: Exploring Workplace Ageism and Charting Directions. Ageism. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.ANAND, A., MUSKAT, B., ZUTSHI, A., ANDREW, A., CSEPREGI, A. (2022). Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Transfer and SMEs- Evolution, Antecedent, Outcomes and Direction. Personnel Review.ANAND, A., BOWEN, P., RANGARAJAN, D. (2022). To be or not to be: a review of the (un)ethical salespeople literature. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. doi:10.1108/JBIM-06-2022-0282.ANAND, A., AMEEN , N., CHOUDRIE, J., JONES, P. (2022). Innovative Technologies and Small-Medium Sized Enterprises in Times of Crisis. Information System Frontiers. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-022-10353-7.MUSKAT, B., ANAND, A., CONTESSOTTO, C., TAN, A. H. T., PARK, G. (2022). Team familiarity—Boon for routines, bane for innovation? A review and future research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 32 (4), 100892. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2021.100892.ZAYADIN, R., ZUCCHELLA, A., ANAND, A. (2022). Exploring the emancipatory role of entrepreneurship in a developing context. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 28 (2), 527-547. doi:10.1108/IJEBR-08-2021-0642.EL YOUSFI, F., ANAND, A. (2022). Investigating the Factors Affecting Virtual Team Performance in Public Organizations. Management International, 25 (6), 264. doi:10.7202/1085594ar.SARAF, P. K., SAHA, S., ANAND, A. (2022). Supportive culture and job involvement in public sector: the mediating role of participation in decision making and organizational learning. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 35 (5), 549-567. doi:10.1108/IJPSM-09-2021-0218.ZAYADIN, R., ZUCCHELLA, A., ANAND, A., JONES, P., AMEEN, N. (2022). Entrepreneurs’ Decisions in Perceived Environmental Uncertainty. British Journal of Management. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.12612.ANAND, A., BUHAGIAR, K., KOZACHENKO, E., PARAMESWAR, N. (2022). Exploring the role of knowledge management in contexts of crisis: a synthesis and way forward. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.ANAND, A., AGARWAL, U. A., OFFERGELT, F. (2022). Why should I let them know? Effects of workplace incivility and cynicism on employee knowledge hiding behavior under the control of ethical leadership. International Journal of Manpower. doi:10.1108/IJM-04-2021-0248.CHOW, D. Y. L., (GRACE) OH, G., ANAND, A. (2022). Exploring the patterns in political consumption: A review and identification of future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46 (6), 2128-2152. doi:10.1111/ijcs.12863.ANAND, A., SHANTAKUMAR, V. P., MUSKAT, B., SINGH, S. K., DUMAZERT, J. P., RIAHI, Y. (2022). The role of knowledge management in the tourism sector: a synthesis and way forward. Journal of Knowledge Management. doi:10.1108/JKM-02-2022-0083.SHETTY, K., FITZSIMMONS, J. R., ANAND, A. (2022). Entrepreneurship as a career choice for Emirati women: a social cognitive perspective. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. doi:10.1108/JSBED-10-2021-0397.DUMAZERT, J. P., ANAND, A. (2022). Knowledge Sharing in Organization: Reviewing the Foundations of the Field and Current Themes using Bibliometrics. Knowledge and Process Management, 29 (Issue 3), 270-283. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/kpm.1720.ANAND, A., ARGADE, P., BARKEMEYER, R., SALIGNAC, F. (2021). Trends and Patterns in Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research. A Bibliometric Review. Journal of Business Venturing, Forthcoming.BUHAGIAR, K., ANAND, A. (2021). Synergistic triad of crisis management: leadership, knowledge management and organizational learning. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.SVIRINA, A., ANAND, A. (2021). Dubious or Decisive? Drilling Down the Unchartered Path of Academic Ghostwriting. Journal of Organizational Change Management.ANAND, A., OFFERGELT, F., ANAND, P. (2021). Knowledge Hiding – A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Knowledge Management.ANAND, A., REZAEE VESSAL, S., RATHI, K., AMEEN, N. (2021). Show me your mobile and I will tell you who you are: Forecasting consumer compassion and altruism behaviour through smartphone type and usage. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63, 102657. doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102657.ANAND, A., LECOEUVRE LAURENCE, L., ALESSIO CASTELLO, A. (2021). A Review and Classification of the Uncertainties in Projects: The Way Forward. Classification of the Uncertainties in Projects. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle - RFGI.EL-YOUSUFI, F., ANAND, A. (2020). A qualitative inquiry into the factors affecting virtual team performance in public organizations. Management International.WALSH , I., DALMASSO, A., ANAND, A. (2020). The role of perceived supervision in discouraging knowledge hiding in organizations. Management International.CENTOBELLI, P., CERCHIONE, R., PIERLUGI, Z., ANAND, A. (2020). Knowledge Management Systems: knowledge adoption and translation in collaborative environments. Management Decision.ANAND, A., KRINGELUM, L., MADSEN, C., SELIVANOVSKIKH, L. (2020). Interorganizational Learning – Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda. The Learning Organization.ANAND, A., CERCHIONE, R., CENTOBELLI, P. (2020). Why should I share knowledge with others? A Review based framework on events of knowledge hiding. Journal of Organizational Change Management.AMEEN , N., TAHRINI, A., REPPEL, A., ANAND, A. (2020). Customer Experiences in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Computers in Human Behavior.ANAND, A., WALSH , I. (2019). The Four Stages of Knowledge Sharing in SMEs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM).ANAND, A., DALMASSO, A. (2019). Supervisory Effects on Employee Knowledge Sharing Behaviors in SMEs. Journal of the Knowledge Economy.ANAND, A., WALSH , I., MOFFETT, S. (2019). Does Humility Facilitate Knowledge Sharing: Investigating the role of Humble knowledge Inquiry and response. Journal of Knowledge Management.ANAND, A., WALSH , I. (2016). Should Knowledge be Shared Generously: Tracing Insights from Past to Present by Describing a Model. Journal of Knowledge Management.Chapters
AMEEN , N., ANAND, A. (2020). Generation Z in the United Arab Emirates: A smart-tech driven iGeneration. The Changing Context of Managing People: Generation Z in Asia-Emerald.MANTOVANI, G., ANAND, A. (2020). Homegrown Terrorism: An Analysis of Its Effects on PESTLE Factors. Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Risk Management and Cyber Intelligence in IGI Publishing.WALSH , I., ANAND, A. (2018). Sharing Knowledge with Pleasure and Sharing the Knowledge Forward. Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Award- An Anthology of Case Histories. -
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
ANAND, A. (2023). Diving Deep into the Dark Side: A Review and Examination of Research on Organizational Misconduct in Emerging Markets. In Amitabh Anand (Ed.), EIBA. European International Business Academy.Papers presented at academic or professional meetings
ANAND, A., KRINGELUM, L., MADSEN, C., SELIVANOVSKIKH, L. (2020). Interorganizational Learning – Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda. Academy of Management Proceedings.ANAND, A. (2019). A Event Based Analysis of Knowledge Hiding. GSOM Emerging Markets conference.ANAND, A., MUSKAT, B., CSEPREGI, A. (2019). Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Transfer in SME’s – a Bibliometric Analysis. European Academy of Management.ANAND, A., LECOEUVRE, L., CASTELLO, A. (2019). Uncertainty in Projects – Towards a new Taxonomy. British Academy of Management.ANAND, A., CSEPREGI, A., BOGDANY, E. (2018). Barriers to Knowledge creation in SMEs. European Conference on Knowledge Management.ANAND, A., CSEPREGI, A. (2018). The Enablers and Barriers to sharing knowledge in SMEs – An Exploratory analysis. Organization Studies Research Network Conference.ANAND, A., WALSH , I. (2017). Is Humility a facilitator in sharing knowledge- Investigating the role of humble knowledge inquiry and response. European Academy of Management.ANAND, A., WALSH , I. (2017). The Four Stages of Sharing Knowledge in SMEs. Association of Information and Management.