Since the first lockdown, with the support of La Rochelle conurbation, many local players have been working hard, sharing information and resources including La Rochelle's higher education establishments, the CCAS (community social action association), and many other associations.
Some existing initiatives have been expanded, and some new ones created.
Here's a recap of all food aid initiatives for students in La Rochelle. Food aid for students - MyIntranet Excelia
Solidarity initiatives should also be responsible and limit waste. So, generally speaking, don't forget to provide your own containers (shopping bags, boxes, jars, etc.). And of course, remember to wear a mask and to respect health and safety measures...
You have, no doubt, already seen the solidarity food-truck La Cocotte Jaune
In the car park of the IUT administration building, on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Meals including a starter, main course and dessert are distributed free of charge during the lockdown, subject to availability.
The CROUS, and therefore the local region,
Has been offering meals at €3.30, and only €1 for students on a grant. Takeaway meals are available from Monday to Friday between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., and there is a Click & Collect service in the evenings from Monday to Thursday.
Simply order online at and collect your food between 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. from Salle Mandela in the Antinéa building. In addition, there are two pizza vending machines - one in the Republique university restaurant and the other in Cité Antinéa (near the IUT).
Les Restos du Coeur association
Has a Campus branch in Tasdon, at 7 rue Jean-Baptiste Charcot, open every Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Please contact the volunteers to register: [email protected] or call 05 46 50 59 15.
Every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the Maison de l'Étudiant,
"Freegan boxes" are handed out thanks to the support of the AFEV (city student association), the association Remplir les ventres pas les poubelles (fill bellies not bins), the CROUS, the University welfare service, and students from Excelia's association Oxygène who help collect perishable goods.
Add to that a student on a Climacité© project at Carrefour Market... and you have a new source of supplies!
Feeding yourself is essential, but so is taking care of yourself,
Which is why the little Be'Epi €2 hampers, containing a dozen products and sold on Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at 2 rue Perspectives de l'Océan (in the Minimes), not only include food products but hygiene products too!
For more information contact: [email protected]