L’Étudiant 2025 ranking of top business schools… Excelia Business School ranked 11th

Excelia Business School achieved 11th place of L'Étudiant 2025 ranking, in the category of ‘major French business schools offering post-preparatory class education’! Its philosophy and academic excellence have been acknowledged and rewarded.

In addition, Excelia Business School has maintained its 2nd place in the post-High School ranking!

The ranking criteria

The L’Étudiant 2025 ranking analysed the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE) at 37 leading business schools, a programme that leads to the awarding of a Master qualification. 

Excelia Business School distinguished itself in the following criteria :

  • 11th in academic excellence
  • 10th in international scope
  • 3rd in social openness

Excelia Business School has made its international dimension a major strength and one of its priorities by incorporating international experience into all its study programmes. The school boasts more than 230 academic partners around the world, more than half of which hold accreditations, offering some 20 double qualifications. Furthermore, Excelia Business School welcomes students of 80 different nationalities on its campuses, more than 50% of its faculty are international research-active lecturers or industry professional lecturers, and 75% of its Humacité© projects take place abroad.

This international dimension and experience represent real added value, providing a better understanding of the world of business on a global level. It is also an opportunity to develop professional skills adapted to the challenges and needs of international companies.

Finally, a criterion that was not included in the ranking but which deserves to be highlighted is the satisfaction of our graduates with a 100% recommendation rate!

Excelia is proud to see its commitment to its students and graduates rewarded once again and would like to thank them all for expressing their satisfaction and appreciation!

View full ranking

Of the 37 business schools in the running for the ranking, Excelia Business School was one of only 2 schools offering two different admissions routes for its PGE: post-High School and post-preparatory class.

This presence in the various national and international rankings is proof of Excelia’s ability to distinguish itself, in particular though its innovative and relevant teaching methods, which offer all its students excellent employability prospects.

More about the Master in Management at Excelia Business School  

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