Le Figaro Étudiant ranks Excelia’s school of communication as one of the best communication schools in France

Le Figaro Étudiant has published its very first ranking of the best communication schools in France: Excelia distinguishes itself with an impressive 12th place

Well-deserved recognition for its academic excellence

This accolade is the latest in a year of significant achievements for Excelia’s school of communication. In January, its Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy was awarded a VISA label by the French Ministry of Higher Education, marking an important step in the academic recognition of the school. This State endorsement testifies to the quality of the programmes on offer, thereby guaranteeing students official recognition of their qualifications.


Stringent assessment criteria

The ranking compiled by Le Figaro Étudiant is based on a number of very strict criteria, including academic excellence and the international dimension of the programme. Excelia Communication School excelled thanks to the quality of its teaching faculty, its diverse international exchange opportunities and the relevance of its curriculum to the current challenges facing the communication sector.

Emmanuel Carré, Director of the school since January, comments:

“Thanks to the commitment and constant efforts of all our academic teams and teaching faculty, we have certainly come a long way in the last five years. This new ranking not only illustrates the success of our graduates but also demonstrates the benefits of studying at our communication school, which ranks among the best in France.”


Tangible impact on the communication sector

Since its launch, Excelia’s school of communication has trained some 300 graduates, at undergraduate and postgraduate level, who are now working in a sector currently undergoing major transformation. These former students benefitted from innovative teaching, particularly in the field of digital communication, at a time when social media management and artificial intelligence were completely revolutionising the world of communication. Thanks to the school’s study programmes, they entered the job market fully equipped to meet its challenges and to deliver innovative solutions in their respective companies.


A promising future for Excelia’s youngest school

The success of Excelia’s school of communication is not restricted to its graduates. The recognition it has received in this ranking also bears witness to the relevance of its programmes and the commitment of its teaching teams. For Emmanuel Carré, this new distinction is very encouraging: “Academic recognition, professional recognition, and now recognition in the rankings... all the signs are positive for Excelia’s youngest school, which continues to go from strength to strength!

Excelia’s school of communication features in 12th place in Le Figaro Étudiant’s first ranking, confirming its status as one of the leading communication schools in France. This distinction is the fruit of hard work and unfailing commitment on the part of the entire teaching team. With solid academic recognition, successful graduates, and a high profile in the rankings, Excelia has established itself as a key player in the landscape of communication education. View full ranking


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