La Rochelle

La Rochelle Excelia

Studying on Excelia’s Campus in La Rochelle

Since 1988, Excelia has been committed to offering quality higher education in the city of La Rochelle. This means more than 35 years’ experience in delivering educational excellence, with the aim of offering you the best possible higher education. Our school boasts the most prestigious labels of excellence - AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA - and is recognised internationally for the quality of its teaching.


Enjoy a short tour of our campus in La Rochelle with this drone video!


diplome1. Undergraduate programmes (available post-High-School)


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  • Bachelor in Business

Equivalent to 3 years of higher education; State-accredited with a French Grade de Licence

A programme offering comprehensive studies in management and business.

More about the programme


  • Excelia First Year

Equivalent to 1 year of higher education, leading to 60 ECTS credits

Suitable for students who are still uncertain about their future study path or those who are looking to change direction during the academic year.

More about the programme


  • BBA International

Equivalent to 4 years of higher education; State-accredited

100% intercultural programme, with up to 2.5 years’ international experience.

More about the programme

  • Master Grande Ecole

Diplôme Bac+5 - visé Grade de master.
Le Programme Grande École est une formation généraliste avec de nombreuses spécialisations.
Découvrir la formation

  • Bachelor in Tourism Management 

Equivalent to 3 years of higher education; State-accredited, boasting TedQual certification awarded by the World Tourism Organization

A programme offering highly specialised skills in the management of tourism.
More about the programme

  • Bachelor in Hotel Management 

Equivalent to 5 years of post-High School education; State-accredited with a French Grade de Master

A programme offering highly specialised skills in the hospitality management.

More about the programme


  • Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy

Equivalent to 3 years of higher education

A programme preparing students for a career in the field of visual communication.

More about the programme


Still unsure of your future direction? Explore this overview of our programmes and courses!


    • Postgraduate studies (for students who have already validated 3 years of higher education)


Excelia has an extensive range of Masters of Science (MSc) in a wide variety of subject areas:

Discover our 13 MSc programmes in business and management
Discover our 4 MSc programmes specialising in tourism

2. Pedagogical Innovation

Educational metaverses... no doubt you have already heard of this innovative approach to learning! Watch this short video to find out more about the metaverses used on our La Rochelle campus.


3. How to apply for admissions to study at Excelia in La Rochelle

Admissions to Excelia are based on an applicants’ potential, their enthusiasm for management, tourism or communication, and their desire to excel. Excelia provides learning and development opportunities for all, whatever their background, promoting the principle that success is within the grasp of those who commit themselves fully to their education.

Find out more about how to join Excelia's programmes



4. La Rochelle – a great place to live and study

  • A stone’s throw away from the coast: beaches, water sports and a breathtaking coastline for unforgettable moments of relaxation
  • Exceptional quality of life: a mild climate, kilometres of cycle paths, and a friendly atmosphere make La Rochelle an ideal place to study
  • A lively student experience: a wide range of activities, sports, events, and associations to help you make the most of your time as a student
  • A safe environment: La Rochelle is renowned for being a safe place to live, offering students a relaxed and stress-free environment
  • Fascinating history: The streets and buildings of La Rochelle bear the imprint of a rich and captivating history, offering students immersion in the city’s past (medieval towers, historic port, etc.)


Need more information about our campus in La Rochelle ?

Book an appointment with an Academic Advisor


Adresse Campus Excelia La Rochelle

campus La Rochelle 102 Rue de Coureilles, 17000 La Rochelle

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